
时间:2017-08-01 22:10:31

标签: php mysql oop mysqli

我有一个较旧的分页脚本多年来一直很好用,但开发人员几乎已经放弃了这个脚本,而且由于它是oop而我无法将mysql调用升级到mysqli ,我很不熟悉。我的主要问题是我知道我需要改变什么,但是在使用$ this-时我无法弄清楚语法。只是改变电话是不够的,当我添加参数时,我的编辑抱怨它。


$all_rs = @mysql_query($this->sql );

$all_rs = mysqli_query($this->conn, $this->sql );



 * PHPSense Pagination Class
 * PHP tutorials and scripts
 * @package     PHPSense
 * @author      Jatinder Singh Thind
 * @copyright   Copyright (c) 2006, Jatinder Singh Thind
 * @link        http://www.phpsense.com

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

class PS_Pagination {
    var $php_self;
    var $rows_per_page = 10; //Number of records to display per page
    var $total_rows = 0; //Total number of rows returned by the query
    var $links_per_page = 5; //Number of links to display per page
    var $append = ""; //Paremeters to append to pagination links
    var $sql = "";
    var $debug = false;
    var $conn = false;
    var $page = 1;
    var $max_pages = 0;
    var $offset = 0;

     * Constructor
     * @param resource $connection Mysql connection link
     * @param string $sql SQL query to paginate. Example : SELECT * FROM users
     * @param integer $rows_per_page Number of records to display per page. Defaults to 10
     * @param integer $links_per_page Number of links to display per page. Defaults to 5
     * @param string $append Parameters to be appended to pagination links 

    function PS_Pagination($connection, $sql, $rows_per_page = 10, $links_per_page = 5, $append = "") {
        $this->conn = $connection;
        $this->sql = $sql;
        $this->rows_per_page = (int)$rows_per_page;
        if (intval($links_per_page ) > 0) {
            $this->links_per_page = (int)$links_per_page;
        } else {
            $this->links_per_page = 5;
        $this->append = $append;
        $this->php_self = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] );
        if (isset($_GET['page'] )) {
            $this->page = intval($_GET['page'] );

     * Executes the SQL query and initializes internal variables
     * @access public
     * @return resource
    function paginate() {
        //Check for valid mysql connection
        if (! $this->conn || ! is_resource($this->conn )) {
            if ($this->debug)
                echo "MySQL connection missing<br />";
            return false;

        //Find total number of rows
        $all_rs = @mysql_query($this->sql );
        if (! $all_rs) {
            if ($this->debug)
                echo "SQL query failed. Check your query.<br /><br />Error Returned: " . mysql_error();
            return false;
        $this->total_rows = mysql_num_rows($all_rs );
        @mysql_close($all_rs );

        //Return FALSE if no rows found
        if ($this->total_rows == 0) {
            if ($this->debug)
                echo "Query returned zero rows.";
            return FALSE;

        //Max number of pages
        $this->max_pages = ceil($this->total_rows / $this->rows_per_page );
        if ($this->links_per_page > $this->max_pages) {
            $this->links_per_page = $this->max_pages;

        //Check the page value just in case someone is trying to input an aribitrary value
        if ($this->page > $this->max_pages || $this->page <= 0) {
            $this->page = 1;

        //Calculate Offset
        $this->offset = $this->rows_per_page * ($this->page - 1);

        //Fetch the required result set
        $rs = @mysql_query($this->sql . " LIMIT {$this->offset}, {$this->rows_per_page}" );
        if (! $rs) {
            if ($this->debug)
                echo "Pagination query failed. Check your query.<br /><br />Error Returned: " . mysql_error();
            return false;
        return $rs;

     * Display the link to the first page
     * @access public
     * @param string $tag Text string to be displayed as the link. Defaults to 'First'
     * @return string
    function renderFirst($tag = 'First') {
        if ($this->total_rows == 0)
            return FALSE;

        if ($this->page == 1) {
            return '"previous-off">' . $tag;
        } else {
            return '"next"><a href="' . $this->php_self . '?page=1&amp;' . $this->append . '">' . $tag . '</a> ';

     * Display the link to the last page
     * @access public
     * @param string $tag Text string to be displayed as the link. Defaults to 'Last'
     * @return string
    function renderLast($tag = 'Last') {
        if ($this->total_rows == 0)
            return FALSE;

        if ($this->page == $this->max_pages) {
            return '"previous-off">' . $tag;
        } else {
            return '"next"><a href="' . $this->php_self . '?page=' . $this->max_pages . '&amp;' . $this->append . '">' . $tag . '</a>';

     * Display the next link
     * @access public
     * @param string $tag Text string to be displayed as the link. Defaults to '>>'
     * @return string
    function renderNext($tag = '&gt;&gt;') {
        if ($this->total_rows == 0)
            return FALSE;

        if ($this->page < $this->max_pages) {
            return '"next"><a href="' . $this->php_self . '?page=' . ($this->page + 1) . '&amp;' . $this->append . '">' . $tag . '</a>';
        } else {
            return '"next-off">' . $tag;

     * Display the previous link
     * @access public
     * @param string $tag Text string to be displayed as the link. Defaults to '<<'
     * @return string
    function renderPrev($tag = '&lt;&lt;') {
        if ($this->total_rows == 0)
            return FALSE;

        if ($this->page > 1) {
            return ' "next"><a href="' . $this->php_self . '?page=' . ($this->page - 1) . '&amp;' . $this->append . '">' . $tag . '</a>';
        } else {
            return '"previous-off">' . $tag;

     * Display the page links
     * @access public
     * @return string
    function renderNav($prefix = '<span class="page_link">', $suffix = '</span>') {
        if ($this->total_rows == 0)
            return FALSE;

        $batch = ceil($this->page / $this->links_per_page );
        $end = $batch * $this->links_per_page;
        if ($end == $this->page) {
            //$end = $end + $this->links_per_page - 1;
        //$end = $end + ceil($this->links_per_page/2);
        if ($end > $this->max_pages) {
            $end = $this->max_pages;
        $start = $end - $this->links_per_page + 1;
        $links = '';

        for($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i ++) {
            if ($i == $this->page) {
                $links .= $prefix . ' class="active">' . "$i"  . $suffix;
            } else {
                $links .= ' ' . $prefix . '><a href="' . $this->php_self . '?page=' . $i . '&amp;' . $this->append . '">' . $i . '</a>' . $suffix . ' ';

        return $links;

     * Display full pagination navigation
     * @access public
     * @return string
    function renderFullNav() {
        return $this->renderFirst() . '&nbsp;' . $this->renderPrev() . '&nbsp;' . $this->renderNav() . '&nbsp;' . $this->renderNext() . '&nbsp;' . $this->renderLast();

     * Set debug mode
     * @access public
     * @param bool $debug Set to TRUE to enable debug messages
     * @return void
    function setDebug($debug) {
        $this->debug = $debug;

关于如何格式化这些调用的任何想法? 感谢

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



$all_rs = $this->conn->query($this->sql);
  • PHP具有我们应该用作构造函数的__construct()函数。
  • 在定义成员时使用private,protected和public。
  • 使用typehints来指定你的参数(php7提供了许多php5中缺少的标量类型提示(例如int,string,float)但我们可以输入任何类。
  • 无需手动验证连接是否成功,或检查错误。连接对象应该使用所需的错误报告级别构建,mysqli实现将在之后根据需要抛出异常。
  • 永远不要在查询前使用相当荒谬的@。根据我的经验,抑制错误消息并不是理解数据库访问或编程的理智方式,只能导致硬调试。
  • 使用setter注入(用于调试参数)也只会导致问题。将其作为构造函数参数可确保所有分页对象的生命周期的正确行为。

