什么--minimal做的角度cli` ng new`?

时间:2017-08-01 04:57:53

标签: angular-cli

Angular CLI有一个名为--minimal的选项。它做了什么以及在哪里记录?命令ng help new对此几乎没有说明

--minimal (Boolean) (Default: false) Should create a minimal app.
  aliases: --minimal

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:36)

截至2017年7月31日当前常规角度应用生成5个目录,26个文件。 --minimal生成4 directories, 13 files。区别? --minimal通过启用其他一些选项来排除多个文件的生成。

  • 您可以在code here中看到这一点
    • --skip-tests :停止生成测试(即.e2e,karma.conf.jsprotractor.conf.js*.spec.文件),包括{{1 },tsconfig.spec.json
    • app.component.spec.ts :停止生成外部css存根,而不是在--inline-style文件中保留空字符串。
    • .ts :停止生成外部html,而不是将其保存在--inline-template文件的template变量中。
  • 停止生成以下文件code here
    • .ts
    • tsconfig和tslint
    • 的favicon.ico



my-app/ ├── e2e │   ├── app.e2e-spec.ts │   ├── app.po.ts │   └── tsconfig.e2e.json ├── karma.conf.js ├── package.json ├── package-lock.json ├── protractor.conf.js ├── README.md ├── src │   ├── app │   │   ├── app.component.css │   │   ├── app.component.html │   │   ├── app.component.spec.ts │   │   ├── app.component.ts │   │   └── app.module.ts │   ├── assets │   ├── environments │   │   ├── environment.prod.ts │   │   └── environment.ts │   ├── favicon.ico │   ├── index.html │   ├── main.ts │   ├── polyfills.ts │   ├── styles.css │   ├── test.ts │   ├── tsconfig.app.json │   ├── tsconfig.spec.json │   └── typings.d.ts ├── tsconfig.json └── tslint.json 执行以下操作


答案 1 :(得分:4)

当前截至 2018年12月,并使用 Angular cli 7.0.7 ,已添加了最少的选项。意思是Create a barebones project without any testing frameworks

您可以检查angular cli version 7 document的选项列表。

以下是ng new --help命令返回的选项列表。

ng new --help 
    The name of the workspace.

  --collection (-c)
    Schematics collection to use.
    Initial repository commit information.
    Flag to toggle creation of an application in the new workspace.
    When true, disables interactive input prompts for options with a default.
    The directory name to create the workspace in.
  --dry-run (-d)
    When true, run through and report activity without writing out results.
    EXPERIMENTAL: Specifies whether to create a new application which uses the Ivy rendering engine.
  --force (-f)
    When true, force overwriting of existing files.
    Shows a help message for this command in the console.
  --inline-style (-s)
    Specifies if the style will be in the ts file.
  --inline-template (-t)
    Specifies if the template will be in the ts file.
    When false, disables interactive input prompts.
    Create a barebones project without any testing frameworks
    The path where new projects will be created.
  --prefix (-p)
    The prefix to apply to generated selectors.
    Generates a routing module.
  --skip-git (-g)
    Skip initializing a git repository.
    Skip installing dependency packages.
  --skip-tests (-S)
    Skip creating spec files.
    The file extension to be used for style files.
  --verbose (-v)
    Adds more details to output logging.
    Specifies the view encapsulation strategy.

从Angular cli 6.0.8开始,最小选项似乎已被删除。您可能必须运行--skip-tests,-inline-style和--inline-template,如其他答案所建议的那样,以获取最小的项目。

根据angular cli wiki page,这些是可用的选项

冗长的 集合

如果运行以下命令:ng new --help,则可以查看Angular cli 6.0.8可用的选项

usage: ng new <name> [options]  
  --collection (-c)  
    Schematics collection to use.  

    The directory name to create the workspace in.  

--dryRun (-d)  
    Run through without making any changes.  

--force (-f)  
    Forces overwriting of files.  

--inline-style (-s)  
    Specifies if the style will be in the ts file.  

--inline-template (-t)  
    Specifies if the template will be in the ts file.  

    The path where new projects will be created.  

--prefix (-p)  
    The prefix to apply to generated selectors.  

    Generates a routing module.  

--skip-git (-g)  
    Skip initializing a git repository.  

    Skip installing dependency packages.  

--skip-tests (-S)  
    Skip creating spec files.  

    The file extension to be used for style files.  

--verbose (-v)  
    Adds more details to output logging.  

    Specifies the view encapsulation strategy.