
时间:2017-07-30 13:31:27

标签: perl archive tar bzip2 archive-tar

我希望将遍布多个子目录的大量数据压缩到一个存档中。我不能简单地使用内置的tar函数,因为我需要我的Perl脚本在Windows和Linux环境中工作。我找到了Archive::Tar模块,但their documentation发出警告:


请注意,此方法[create_archive()]不会写on the fly   原样;在写入之前,它仍会将所有文件读入内存   存档。如果这是一个问题,请参阅下面的常见问题解答。



返回一个迭代器函数,该函数在不加载的情况下读取tar文件   这一切都在记忆中。每次调用该函数时,它都会返回   tarball中的下一个文件。

my $next = Archive::Tar->iter( "example.tar.gz", 1, {filter => qr/\.pm$/} );
while( my $f = $next->() ) {
    print $f->name, "\n";
    $f->extract or warn "Extraction failed";
    # ....



use strict;
use warnings;

use Archive::Tar::Streamed;
use File::Spec qw(catfile);
use IO::Compress::Bzip2 qw(bzip2 $Bzip2Error);

my ($in_d, $out_tar, $out_bz2) = @ARGV;

open(my $out_fh,'>', $out_tar) or die "Couldn't create archive";
binmode $out_fh;

my $tar = Archive::Tar::Streamed->new($out_fh);

opendir(my $in_dh, $in_d) or die "Could not opendir '$in_d': $!";
while (my $in_f = readdir $in_dh) {
  next unless ($in_f =~ /\.xml$/);
  print STDOUT "Processing $in_f\r";
  $in_f = File::Spec->catfile($in_d, $in_f);

print STDOUT "\nBzip'ing $out_tar\r";

 bzip2 $out_tar => $out_bz2
    or die "Bzip2 failed: $Bzip2Error\n";


Memory exceeded


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

不幸的是,你想在Perl中使用is not possible


我同意,如果这个模块能够以块的形式编写文件,然后重写头文件(以保持Archive :: Tar的写作关系),那将是很好的。您可以向后移动存档,因为您知道将文件拆分为N条目,删除额外的标题,并使用其大小的总和更新第一个标题。


目前唯一的选项是:使用Archive::Tar::File,将数据拆分为perl以外的可管理大小,或直接使用tar命令(从{{1使用它) CPAN上有一个很好的包装器:perl)。



答案 1 :(得分:1)


use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use autodie; # Remove need for checks on IO calls

use File::Find 'find';
use Archive::Tar::Streamed ();
use Compress::Raw::Bzip2;
use Time::HiRes qw/ gettimeofday tv_interval /;

# Set a default root directory for testing
    our @ARGV;
    @ARGV = 'E:\test' unless @ARGV;

use constant ROOT_DIR => shift;

use constant KB => 1024;
use constant MB => KB * KB;
use constant GB => MB * KB;

STDOUT->autoflush; # Make sure console output isn't buffered

my $t0 = [ gettimeofday ];

# Create a pipe, and fork a child that will build a tar archive
# from the files and pass the result to the pipe as it is built
# The parent reads from the pipe and passes each chunk to the
# module for compression. The result of zipping each block is
# written directly to the bzip2 file
pipe( my $pipe_from_tar, my $pipe_to_parent );  # Make our pipe
my $pid  = fork;                      # fork the process

if ( $pid == 0 ) {    # child builds tar and writes it to the pipe

    $pipe_from_tar->close;    # Close the parent side of the pipe

    # Create the ATS object, specifiying that the tarred output
    # will be passed straight to the pipe
    my $tar = Archive::Tar::Streamed->new( $pipe_to_parent );

    find(sub {

        my $file = File::Spec->canonpath( $File::Find::name );
        $tar->add( $file );

        print "Processing $file\n" if -d;

    }, ROOT_DIR );

    $tar->writeeof; # This is undocumented but essential

else {    # parent reads the tarred data, bzips it, and writes it to the file

    $pipe_to_parent->close; # Close the child side of the pipe

    open my $bz2_fh, '>:raw', 'T:\test.tar.bz2';

    # The first parameter *must* have a value of zero. The default
    # is to accumulate each zipped chunnk into the output variable,
    # whereas we want to write each chunk to a file
    my ( $bz, $status ) = Compress::Raw::Bzip2->new( 0 );
    defined $bz or die "Cannot create bunzip2 object: $status\n";

    my $zipped;

    while ( my $len = read $pipe_from_tar, my $buff, 8 * MB ) {

        $status = $bz->bzdeflate( $buff, $zipped );
        $bz2_fh->print( $zipped ) if length $zipped;


    $status = $bz->bzclose( $zipped );
    $bz2_fh->print( $zipped ) if length $zipped;


    my $elapsed = tv_interval( $t0 );

    printf "\nProcessing took %s\n", hms($elapsed);

use constant MINUTE => 60;
use constant HOUR   => MINUTE * 60;

sub hms {
    my ($s) = @_;

    my @ret;

    if ( $s > HOUR ) {
        my $h = int($s / HOUR);
        $s -= $h * HOUR;
        push @ret, "${h}h";

    if ( $s > MINUTE or @ret ) {
        my $m = int($s / MINUTE);
        $s -= $m * MINUTE;
        push @ret, "${m}m";

    push @ret, sprintf "%.1fs", $s;
