我需要通过复制和粘贴来自维基百科的一些数据来阅读创建的csv文件。数据是按其原籍国分组的大学列表。 我想要做的是在pandas数据帧中导入这些数据,其中索引是状态的名称。但是,当我使用read_csv导入csv时,数据是1维的,状态名称与大学名称在同一列中。 从这个数据帧我现在应该从第一列中提取状态并将它们用作索引。不知道该怎么做。 我以为我可以尝试使用带有州名列表的for / if循环;但可能会有更快更优雅的方式。 有什么建议吗?
Auburn (Auburn University, Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine)[14]
Birmingham (University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham School of Law, Cumberland School of Law, Miles Law School)[15]
Dothan (Fortis College, Troy University Dothan Campus, Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine)
Florence (University of North Alabama)
Homewood (Samford University)
Huntsville (University of Alabama, Huntsville)
Jacksonville (Jacksonville State University)[16]
Livingston (University of West Alabama)[16]
Mobile (University of South Alabama)[17]
Montevallo (University of Montevallo, Faulkner University)[16]
Montgomery (Alabama State University, Huntingdon College, Auburn University at
Montgomery, H. Councill Trenholm State Technical College, Faulkner University)
Troy (Troy University)[16]
Tuscaloosa (University of Alabama, Stillman College, Shelton State)[18][19]
Tuskegee (Tuskegee University)[20]
Anchorage[21] (University of Alaska Anchorage)
Fairbanks (University of Alaska Fairbanks)[16]
Juneau (University of Alaska Southeast)
Ketchikan (University of Alaska Southeast-extended campus)
Sitka (University of Alaska Southeast-extended campus)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
import pandas as pd
# read your data into a list of lines
with open("/tmp/data.txt", "rb") as myfile:
data= myfile.readlines()
# strip whitespaces from each line
data = [i.strip() for i in data]
# split each line with space to a list of words
data = [i.split(" ") for i in data]
# create a list of lists where
# each list contains the state name in the first element
# and the other words in the second element
data = [[i[0], " ".join(i[1:])] for i in data]
# create a data frame from the prepared data
data = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=["state", "university"])
# convert the state column to the dataframe index
data = data.set_index("state")
# see the results
Auburn (Auburn University, Edward Via College of Oste...
Birmingham (University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingh...
Dothan (Fortis College, Troy University Dothan Campus...
Florence (University of North Alabama)