- 输入是28x28图像中每个像素的784灰度值(0-255)
- 图层大小为784-256-10,偏置节点的固定值为1,连接到所有隐藏节点和输出节点。
- 它使用sigmoid激活功能
- 输出节点的错误定义为它的值与预期值的平方之差。
- 每次迭代训练算法,通过60,000个训练案例中的每一个,通过梯度下降训练神经网络。
- 通常在大约15次迭代之后收敛到大约84%-88%的测试案例中的准确分类百分比。
- 尽管我所阅读的所有文献都表明这是必要的,但是当我有偏置节点时,神经网络的表现会比我评论它时更糟(我可能做错了,lmk)。
- 测试和训练案例存储为对象,这些对象将值和预期输出保存在所有案例的数组中。
* A method to initialize the structure of the neural net
* It adds a node for every input location needed, then it adds the hidden layer
* connects the hidden layer to the input layer, makes the output layer, and connects the output layer
* to the hidden layer
public void initializeStructure()
for(int ii = 0; ii < numInputs; ii++)
inputLayer.add(new Node());
// add an extra node to the input layer. This node has a default value of one, so
// it acts like a bias to every node it is connected to (the bias has the magnitude of the weight)
// this means that the only thing we need to edit are weights(including these ones), not values
Node bias = new Node();
bias.value = 1.0;
for(int ii = 0; ii < layerSize; ii++)
Node currentNode = new Node();
for(Node n : inputLayer)
currentNode.connections.add(new Connection(numInputs,n,currentNode,false));
for(int ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++)
Node output = new Node();
for(Node n : hiddenLayer)
output.connections.add(new Connection(numInputs,n,output,true));
output.connections.add(new Connection(numInputs,bias,output,true));
public void train()
for(InputCase current : trainCases)
int[] expected = new int[10];
for(int jj = 0; jj < expected.length; jj++)
if(jj == current.expectedOutput)
expected[jj] = 1;
expected[jj] = 0;
for(int jj = 0; jj < current.values.length; jj++)
inputLayer.get(jj).value = current.values[jj];
double sum = 0;
for(int ii = 0; ii < outputLayer.size(); ii++)
Node n = outputLayer.get(ii);
for(Connection c : n.connections)
c.weight -= learningRate * c.origin.value * c.destination.value * (1-c.destination.value) * (c.destination.value - expected[ii]);
sum += c.destination.value * (1-c.destination.value) * (c.destination.value - expected[ii]) * c.weight;
for(Node n : hiddenLayer)
for(Connection c : n.connections)
c.weight -= learningRate * c.origin.value * c.destination.value * (1-c.destination.value) * sum;