并发:Java Map

时间:2017-07-28 12:00:37

标签: java multithreading java.util.concurrent


  1. 没有多线程,需要大约40秒。
  2. 使用ForkJoinPool需要大约25秒,我创建了2个任务,每个任务都推动了1000万个实体
  3. 我相信这两项任务都在两个不同的核心中运行。 问题:当我创建一个推送1000万个数据的任务时,需要大约9秒,然后当运行2个任务时,每个任务都会推送1000万个数据,为什么需要大约26秒?我做错了吗?

    在不到10秒的时间内插入20 M数据是否有不同的解决方案?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;

public class TestMap {
  // we assume NB_ENTITIES is divisible by NB_TASKS
  static final int NB_ENTITIES = 20_000_000, NB_TASKS = 2;
  static Map<String, String> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      System.out.printf("running with nb entities = %,d, nb tasks = %,d, VM args = %s%n", NB_ENTITIES, NB_TASKS, ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getInputArguments());
      ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(NB_TASKS);
      int entitiesPerTask = NB_ENTITIES / NB_TASKS;
      List<Future<?>> futures = new ArrayList<>(NB_TASKS);
      long startTime = System.nanoTime();
      for (int i=0; i<NB_TASKS; i++) {
        MyTask task = new MyTask(i * entitiesPerTask, (i + 1) * entitiesPerTask - 1);
      for (Future<?> f: futures) {
      long elapsed = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
      Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
      long usedMemory = rt.maxMemory() - rt.freeMemory();
      System.out.printf("processing completed in %,d ms, usedMemory after GC = %,d bytes%n", elapsed/1_000_000L, usedMemory);
    } catch (Exception e) {

  static class MyTask implements Runnable {
    private final int startIdx, endIdx;

    public MyTask(final int startIdx, final int endIdx) {
      this.startIdx = startIdx;
      this.endIdx = endIdx;

    public void run() {
      long startTime = System.nanoTime();
      for (int i=startIdx; i<=endIdx; i++) {
        map.put("sambit:rout:" + i, "C:\\Images\\Provision_Images");
      long elapsed = System.nanoTime() - startTime;
      System.out.printf("task[%,d - %,d], completed in %,d ms%n", startIdx, endIdx, elapsed/1_000_000L);

在处理结束时,此代码通过紧跟System.gc()之后执行Runtime.maxMemory() - Runtime.freeMemory()来计算已用内存的近似值。这表明具有2000万条目的地图大约略低于2.2 GB,这是相当可观的。我用1和2个线程运行它,对于-Xmx和-Xms JVM参数的各种值,这里是结果输出(只是要清楚:2560m = 2.5g):

running with nb entities = 20,000,000, nb tasks = 1, VM args = [-Xms2560m, -Xmx2560m]
task[0 - 19,999,999], completed in 11,781 ms
processing completed in 11,782 ms, usedMemory after GC = 2,379,068,760 bytes

running with nb entities = 20,000,000, nb tasks = 2, VM args = [-Xms2560m, -Xmx2560m]
task[0 - 9,999,999], completed in 8,269 ms
task[10,000,000 - 19,999,999], completed in 12,385 ms
processing completed in 12,386 ms, usedMemory after GC = 2,379,069,480 bytes

running with nb entities = 20,000,000, nb tasks = 1, VM args = [-Xms3g, -Xmx3g]
task[0 - 19,999,999], completed in 12,525 ms
processing completed in 12,527 ms, usedMemory after GC = 2,398,339,944 bytes

running with nb entities = 20,000,000, nb tasks = 2, VM args = [-Xms3g, -Xmx3g]
task[0 - 9,999,999], completed in 12,220 ms
task[10,000,000 - 19,999,999], completed in 12,264 ms
processing completed in 12,265 ms, usedMemory after GC = 2,382,777,776 bytes

running with nb entities = 20,000,000, nb tasks = 1, VM args = [-Xms4g, -Xmx4g]
task[0 - 19,999,999], completed in 7,363 ms
processing completed in 7,364 ms, usedMemory after GC = 2,402,467,040 bytes

running with nb entities = 20,000,000, nb tasks = 2, VM args = [-Xms4g, -Xmx4g]
task[0 - 9,999,999], completed in 5,466 ms
task[10,000,000 - 19,999,999], completed in 5,511 ms
processing completed in 5,512 ms, usedMemory after GC = 2,381,821,576 bytes

running with nb entities = 20,000,000, nb tasks = 1, VM args = [-Xms8g, -Xmx8g]
task[0 - 19,999,999], completed in 7,778 ms
processing completed in 7,779 ms, usedMemory after GC = 2,438,159,312 bytes

running with nb entities = 20,000,000, nb tasks = 2, VM args = [-Xms8g, -Xmx8g]
task[0 - 9,999,999], completed in 5,739 ms
task[10,000,000 - 19,999,999], completed in 5,784 ms
processing completed in 5,785 ms, usedMemory after GC = 2,396,478,680 bytes


heap      | exec time (ms) for: 
size (gb) | 1 thread | 2 threads
2.5       |    11782 |     12386
3.0       |    12527 |     12265
4.0       |     7364 |      5512
8.0       |     7779 |      5785



  1. 如果您的堆的大小不合适,垃圾收集将会消除您希望获得的任何性能提升。你应该把它做得足够大,以避免长时间GC暂停的副作用。

  2. 您还必须意识到使用ConcurrentHashMap等并发集合会产生很大的性能开销。为了说明这一点,我稍微修改了代码,以便每个任务使用自己的HashMap,然后在第一个任务的映射中聚合所有映射(使用Map.putAll())。处理时间降至3200毫秒左右

答案 1 :(得分:0)

添加可能需要一个CPU周期,因此如果您的CPU以3GHz运行,则为0.3纳秒。做20M次,变为6000000纳秒或6毫秒。因此,您的测量更多地受到启动线程,线程切换,JIT编译等的开销的影响,而不是您的操作 试图衡量。



感谢framework (see examp!e)帖子帮我写了回复

答案 2 :(得分:0)

虽然我没有尝试过多个线程,但确实尝试了Java 11提供的10种类型中的全部7种合适的Map类型。

我的结果都大大快于您报告的25到40秒。对于7种地图类别中的 any ,我对< String , UUID >的20,000,000个条目的结果更像是3-9秒

我正在使用Java 13:

Model Name: Mac mini
Model Identifier:   Macmini8,1
Processor Name: Intel Core i5
Processor Speed:    3 GHz
Number of Processors:   1
Total Number of Cores:  6
L2 Cache (per Core):    256 KB
L3 Cache:   9 MB
Memory: 32 GB













System.out.println( "Preparing." );

int limit = 20_000_000; // 20_000_000
Set < String > instantsSet = new TreeSet <>();  // Use `Set` to forbid duplicates.
List < UUID > uuids = new ArrayList <>( limit );

while ( instantsSet.size() < limit )
    instantsSet.add( Instant.now().toString() );
List < String > instants = new ArrayList <>( instantsSet );
for ( int i = 0 ; i < limit ; i++ )
    uuids.add( UUID.randomUUID() );
System.out.println( "size of instants: " + instants.size() );
System.out.println( "size of uuids: " + uuids.size() );

System.out.println( "Running test." );
// Using 7 of the 10 `Map` implementations bundled with Java 11.
// Omitting `EnumMap`, as it requires enums for the key.
// Omitting `Map.of` because it is for literals.
// Omitting `HashTable` because it is outmoded, replaced by `ConcurrentHashMap`.
List < Map < String, UUID > > maps = List.of(
        new HashMap <>( limit ) ,
        new WeakHashMap <>( limit ) ,
        new TreeMap <>() ,
        new ConcurrentSkipListMap <>() ,
        new ConcurrentHashMap <>( limit ) ,
        new LinkedHashMap <>( limit ) ,
        new IdentityHashMap <>( limit )
for ( Map < String, UUID > map : maps )
    long start = System.nanoTime();
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < instants.size() ; i++ )
        map.put( instants.get( i ) , uuids.get( i ) );
    long stop = System.nanoTime();
    Duration d = Duration.of( stop - start , ChronoUnit.NANOS );
    System.out.println( map.getClass().getName() + " took: " + d );

    // Free up memory.
    map = null;
    System.gc(); // Request garbage collector do its thing. No guarantee!
        Thread.sleep( TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis( 4 ) );  // Wait for garbage collector to hopefully finish. No guarantee!
    catch ( InterruptedException e )
System.out.println("Done running test.");


Table of map implementations in Java 11, comparing their features