
时间:2017-07-27 00:26:37

标签: typescript redux


// ---- middleware.ts ----
export type MiddlewareFunction = (store: any) => (next: any) => (action: any) => any;

export class MyMiddleWare {
    public static Logger: MiddlewareFunction = store => next => action => {
        // Do stuff
        return next(action);

// ---- main.ts ---- 
import * as MyMiddleware from "./middleware";

const createStoreWithMiddleware = Redux.applyMiddleware(MyMiddleWare.Logger)(Redux.createStore);


// ---- index.d.ts from Redux ----
export interface Action {
    type: any;

export interface Dispatch<S> {
    <A extends Action>(action: A): A;

export interface MiddlewareAPI<S> {
    dispatch: Dispatch<S>;
    getState(): S;

export interface Middleware {
    <S>(api: MiddlewareAPI<S>): (next: Dispatch<S>) => Dispatch<S>;


interface MyStore {
    thing: string;
    item: number;

interface MyAction extends Action {
    note: string;

export class MyMiddleWare {
    public static Logger: Middleware = (api: MiddlewareAPI<MyStore>) => (next: Dispatch<MyStore>) => (action: MyAction) => {
        const currentState: MyStore = api.getState();
        const newNote: string = action.note;
        // Do stuff
        return next(action);


错误TS2322:输入'(api:MiddlewareAPI)=&gt; (下一篇:Dispatch)=&gt; (行动:行动)=&gt; “行动”不能分配给“中间件”类型   参数“api”和“api”的类型不兼容     类型'MiddlewareAPI'不能分配给'MiddlewareAPI'类型       类型“S”不能指定为“MyStore”类型。

我看到&lt; S&gt;在类型定义中声明的泛型,但我尝试了很多不同的组合,我似乎无法弄清楚如何将其指定为MyStore,以便在其余的声明中将其识别为泛型类型。例如,根据声明api.getState()应该返回一个MyStore对象。当然,同样的想法也适用于行动类型&lt; A&gt ;.

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)


var propertyname = 'house';

var content = document.createElement('div');
var img = document.createElement('img');

if (propertyname == 'house') {
  img.src = 'https://placehold.it/300x100';


export const Logger: Middleware =
  (api: MiddlewareAPI<void>) => 
  (next: Dispatch<void>) => 
  <A extends Action>(action: A) => {
    // Do stuff
   return next(action);


答案 1 :(得分:2)


export type StateType = { thing: string, item: number };

export type ActionType =
    { type: "MY_ACTION", note: string } |
    { type: "PUSH_ACTIVITIY", activity: string };

// Force cast of generic S to my StateType
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-any
function isApi<M>(m: any): m is MiddlewareAPI<StateType> {
    return true;

export type MiddlewareFunction =
    (api: MiddlewareAPI<StateType>, next: (action: ActionType) => ActionType, action: ActionType) => ActionType;

export function handleAction(f: MiddlewareFunction): Middleware {
    return <S>(api: MiddlewareAPI<S>) => next => action => {
        if (isApi(api)) {
            // Force cast of generic A to my ActionType
            const _action = (<ActionType>action);
            const _next: (action: ActionType) => ActionType = a => {
                // Force cast my ActionType to generic A
                // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any
                return next(<any>a);
            // Force cast my ActionType to generic A
            // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any
            return f(api, _next, _action) as any;
        } else {
            return next(action);


// Log actions and state.thing before and after action dispatching
export function loggingMiddleware(): Middleware {
    return handleAction((api, next, action) => {
        console.log(" \nBEGIN ACTION DISPATCHING:");
        console.log(`----- Action:    ${JSON.stringify(action)}\n`);
        const oldState = api.getState();

        const retVal = next(action);

        console.log(` \n----- Old thing: ${oldState.thing}`);
        console.log(`----- New thing: ${api.getState().thing)}\n`);
        console.log("END ACTION DISPATCHING\n");

        return retVal;

// Another middleware...
export interface DataHub = { ... }:
export function dataHandlingMiddleware(datahub: DataHub): Middleware {
    return handleAction((api, next, action) => {
        switch (action.type) {
            case "PUSH_ACTIVITY": {
                handlePushActivities(action.activity, api, /* outer parameter */ datahub);
        return next(action);

请注意,中间件还可能需要在安装过程中传入的其他参数,如服务等(此处为:DataHub)。 商店设置如下所示:

import {
    Store, applyMiddleware, StoreCreator, StoreEnhancer,
    createStore, combineReducers, Middleware, MiddlewareAPI
} from "redux";

const middlewares = [

const rootReducer = combineReducers<StateType>({ ... });
const initialState: StateType = {};

// Trick to enable Redux DevTools with TS: see https://www.npmjs.com/package/redux-ts
const devTool = (f: StoreCreator) => {
    // tslint:disable-next-line:no-any
    return ((window as any).__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__) ? (window as any).__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__ : f;
const middleware: StoreEnhancer<StateType> = applyMiddleware(...middlewares);
const store: Store<StateType> = middleware(devTool(createStore))(rootReducer, initialState);


答案 2 :(得分:2)


首先是中间件创建者接受todo函数作为输入,它作为中间件的核心逻辑运行。 todo函数接受一个对象,该对象封装了store(MiddlewareAPI<S>)next(Dispatch<S>)action(Action<S>)以及任何其他您的custimized参数。 请注意,我使用as Middleware强制中间件创建者返回中间件。这是我用来摆脱麻烦的魔力。

import { MiddlewareAPI, Dispatch, Middleware } from 'redux';
import { Action } from 'redux-actions';

export interface MiddlewareTodoParams<S> {
  store: MiddlewareAPI<S>;
  next: Dispatch<S>;
  action: Action<S>;
  [otherProperty: string]: {};

export interface MiddlewareTodo<S> {
  (params: MiddlewareTodoParams<S>): Action<S>;

// <S>(api: MiddlewareAPI<S>): (next: Dispatch<S>) => Dispatch<S>;
export const createMiddleware = <S>(
  todo: MiddlewareTodo<S>,
  ...args: {}[]
): Middleware => {
  return ((store: MiddlewareAPI<S>) => {
    return (next: Dispatch<S>) => {
      return action => {
        console.log(store.getState(), action.type);
        return todo({ store, next, action, ...args });
  // Use as Middleware to force the result to be Middleware
  }) as Middleware;


export type OAUTH2Token = {
  header: {
    alg: string;
    typ: string;
  payload?: {
    sub: string;
    name: string;
    admin: boolean;

export const saveToken2Cookie: MiddlewareTodo<OAUTH2Token> = params => {
  const { action, next } = params;
  if (action.type === AUTH_UPDATE_COOKIE && action.payload !== undefined) {
    cookie_set('token', JSON.stringify(action.payload));
  return next(action);


const store: Store<{}> = createStore(
  // applyMiddleware(thunk, oauth2TokenMiddleware(fetch))
  applyMiddleware(thunk, createMiddleware<OAUTH2Token>(saveToken2Cookie))

答案 3 :(得分:0)



interface EffectAction extends Action {
  effect<T> (action: T): void

const effects: Middleware = (api: MiddlewareAPI<any>) => (next: Dispatch<EffectAction>) => ((action: EffectAction) => {
  if (action.effect instanceof Function) action.effect(action)
  return next(action)
}) as Dispatch<EffectAction>

答案 4 :(得分:0)


import { Dispatch, MiddlewareAPI, AnyAction } from 'redux'
import { MyStore, MyEvent } from 'src/store'

type Middleware<S, E extends AnyAction> =
  (api: Dispatch<E> extends Dispatch<AnyAction> ? MiddlewareAPI<Dispatch<E>, S> : never) =>
  (next: Dispatch<E>) =>
  (event: E) => ReturnType<Dispatch<E>>

const middleware: Middleware<MyStore, MyEvent> = (api) => (next) => (event) => {
  // ...