我正在处理的一个问题是需要以24h00格式输入两个时间值(以小时,分钟和秒为单位)。我已经声明了关于我的主程序的变量,输入和输出语句。我正在使用我的void语句CalcDiff来计算两次输入的差异。所有值都已声明为int类型。是否应首先比较输入(例如秒和秒2)以查看在计算差异之前哪个更大?我假设变量的顺序也很重要(计算分钟之前,秒之前的小时数差异)?我是C ++的新手,所以如果我错过任何明显的东西,我会道歉。
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(close)="isHidden = true" (open)="isHidden = false"></my-daydetail>
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答案 0 :(得分:1)
加 an existing library。
#include "date.h"
#include <iostream>
std::chrono::seconds t1, t2;
std::cout << "Enter the first time [h]h:mm:ss: ";
std::cin >> date::parse("%T", t1);
if (std::cin.fail())
return 1;
std::cout << "Enter the second time [h]h:mm:ss: ";
std::cin >> date::parse(" %T", t2);
if (std::cin.fail())
return 1;
std::cout << date::format("Difference in times: %T\n", t1 - t2);
答案 1 :(得分:1)
我遇到了同样的问题,我的解决方案是这段代码,我的观点是在几秒钟内获得两次,然后减去它们以了解差异。时间计算在 IF 语句中进行。剩下的代码就是打印结果,我添加了很多变量,试图让它更清晰易懂。
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int h1,h2,m1,m2,s1,s2;
long TotalSeconds = 0;
cout << "Enter the first time." << endl;
cout << "Enter hours, minutes and seconds: ";
cin >> h1 >> m1 >> s1;
cout << "Enter the second time." << endl;
cout << "Enter hours, minutes and seconds: ";
cin >> h2 >> m2 >> s2;
// Difference Between Times IN Seconds
// this code must be in your function
if( h1 > h2 ){
TotalSeconds += 86400 - ((h1*3600)+(m1*60)+(s1));
TotalSeconds += ((h2*3600)+(m2*60)+(s2));
// Time 2 - Time 1
TotalSeconds = ((h2*3600)+(m2*60)+(s2)) - ((h1*3600)+(m1*60)+(s1));
cout << "Total Seconds: " << TotalSeconds << endl;
cout << "Time Difference :\t";
long hours, minutes, seconds;
hours = TotalSeconds / 3600;
cout << hours << ":";
TotalSeconds -= hours*3600;
minutes = TotalSeconds / 60;
cout << minutes << ":";
TotalSeconds -= minutes*60;
seconds = TotalSeconds;
cout << seconds << endl;
return 0;
另一个使用 C' 风格的例子,在这个例子中你必须输入这样的时间字符串 01:23:11
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
int h1,h2,m1,m2,s1,s2;
long segundos = 0;
// Hora Inicial
scanf("%i : %i : %i",&h1,&m1,&s1);
// Hora Final
scanf("%i : %i : %i",&h2,&m2,&s2);
if( h1 > h2 ){
segundos += 86400 - ((h1*3600)+(m1*60)+(s1));
segundos += ((h2*3600)+(m2*60)+(s2));
// Tiempo 2 - Tiempo 1
segundos = ((h2*3600)+(m2*60)+(s2)) - ((h1*3600)+(m1*60)+(s1));
return 0;
答案 2 :(得分:0)
首先,sec, sec2, min, min2
...这是一个不同变量的列表。如果你有这么长的清单,这表明有些不对劲。这是C ++,所以使用OOP。也就是说,使用类。
class Time {
unsigned char seconds;
unsigned char minutes;
unsigned char hours;
Time(const unsigned char _seconds, const unsigned char _minutes,
const unsigned char __hours);
Time(const unsigned int _seconds);
Time difference(const Time& other) const;
unsigned int to_total_seconds() const;
这是一种更清晰的方法 - 您在使用它时并不需要所有代码。实现:
Time Time::difference(const Time& other) const {
int difference_seconds = (int) this.to_total_seconds() - (int) other.to_total_seconds();
return Time((unsigned int) std::abs(difference_seconds));
unsigned int Time::to_total_seconds() const{
return seconds + 60.*minutes + 60*60*hours;
Time::Time(const unsigned int _seconds){
seconds = _seconds % (60*60);
minutes = (_seconds / 60) % 60;
hours = _seconds / (60*60);
Time::Time(const unsigned char _seconds, const unsigned char _minutes,
const unsigned char __hours) :
seconds(_seconds), minutes(_minutes), hours(_hours) {
assert(seconds < 60);
assert(minutes < 60);
我的意思是,你可以做一些事情,比如做实际的减法,比如做差异6:12到4:50,从12分钟减去50分钟,得到38个余数,然后6减去(4 +余数)= 1 - &GT; 1:38差异。但是为什么当你可以简单地减去秒数并取其绝对值时呢?
答案 3 :(得分:0)
尝试使用std :: chrono
void calcDiff(int h1, int m1, int s1, int h2, int m2, int s2){
std::chrono::seconds d = std::chrono::hours(h2-h1)
+ std::chrono::minutes(m2-m1)
+ std::chrono::seconds(s2-s1);
std::cout << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::hours>(d).count() << "h" <<
std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::minutes>(d % std::chrono::hours(1)).count() << "m" <<
std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(d % std::chrono::minutes(1)).count() << "s" << std::endl;
int main(){
calcDiff(13, 30, 45, 18, 40, 20); // 5h9m35s
calcDiff(20, 30, 45, 18, 40, 20); // -1h-50m-25s
return 0;
答案 4 :(得分:-1)
CalcDiff( sec, sec2, min, min2, hr, hr2);
CalcDiff(int sec, int sec2, int min, int min2, int hr, int hr2,
void CalcDiff(int seconds, int seconds2, int minutes, int minutes2, int
hour, int hour2, diff)
\\ write the code for subtraction here
答案 5 :(得分:-1)
我决定将分钟和小时转换为秒,并通过我称为CalcDiff的void函数来处理时间段的差异。在将新的DiffSec转换为新值之后,我使用了三个引用的变量FinSec,FinMin和FinHr来存储差异。 我的void语句程序是:
void CalcDiff(int seconds, int seconds2, int minutes, int minutes2, int
hour, int hour2, int& FinSec, int& FinMin, int& FinHr)
int TotalSec1, TotalSec2, DiffSec, tempMin;
TotalSec1= (hour*3600)+(minutes*60)+seconds;
TotalSec2= (hour2*3600)+(minutes2*60)+seconds2;
DiffSec = TotalSec1 - TotalSec2;
DiffSec = TotalSec2 - TotalSec1;
FinSec = DiffSec%60;
tempMin = DiffSec/60;
FinMin = tempMin%60;
FinHr = FinMin/60;