使用SWIG初始化对来自C ++的C#共享指针的引用

时间:2017-07-26 08:07:07

标签: c# c++ templates swig shared-ptr

我正在尝试在C ++中初始化对C#传递的boost共享指针的引用,同时尝试维护继承树。我希望能够在C#中创建一个变量,然后将其传递给我的DLL,它将在内部实例化它(这样我就可以在同一个上下文中管理所有内存分配)。

这是我的C ++测试用例(在文件SwigTest.h中):

#include <string>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>

template<class T>
using SRef = boost::shared_ptr<T>;

class FactoryClass
      FactoryClass() {}
      ~FactoryClass() {}

      //Normally I would only like to use the return value, but SWIG uses polymorphism to simulate templates
      //and polymorphism on the return type only is not supported by C#. (I get a Identifier 'getReference' redefined error on SwigTest.i compilation).
      //So I thought I’d pass the SRef& as a parameter instead of having no parameters at all.
       template <class  T>
       static SRef<T> getReference( SRef<T>& inout ) { inout = SRef<T>( new T(1) ); return inout; }

       void testing( int& toto ) {};

class BaseClass
      BaseClass() { m_flag = -1; };
      BaseClass(int i) { m_flag = i; };
      virtual ~BaseClass() {};

      virtual std::string getName() = 0;

      int m_flag;

class FirstClass : public BaseClass
      FirstClass() {};
      FirstClass(int i) : BaseClass( i ) {};
      virtual ~FirstClass() {};

      virtual std::string getName() { return "First Class"; };

class SecondClass : public BaseClass
      SecondClass() {};
      SecondClass(int i) : BaseClass( i ) {};
      virtual ~SecondClass() {};

      virtual std::string getName() { return "Second Class"; };


%module SwigTest
%include "std_string.i"
%include "boost_shared_ptr.i"

#include "../include/SwigTest.h"

%shared_ptr( BaseClass );
%shared_ptr( FirstClass );
%shared_ptr( SecondClass );

%include "../include/SwigTest.h"

%template(BoostBasePtr) boost::shared_ptr<BaseClass>;
%template(SharedBase) SRef<BaseClass>;

%template(BoostFirstPtr) boost::shared_ptr<FirstClass>;

%template(BoostSecondPtr) boost::shared_ptr<SecondClass>;


public class SwigInterface
   private FirstClass m_first;
   private SecondClass m_second = new SecondClass(-2);

   void TestSwig ()
      m_first = FactoryClass.getReference( m_first ); //The returned reference is copied from C++
      FactoryClass.getReference( m_second ); //m_second is never changed

      FirstClass anotherFirst = new FirstClass(-1) ;
      BaseClass bc = FactoryClass.getReference( anotherFirst); //bc does equal the new instance of FirstClass but anotherFirst is not correctly replaced

       //This is the case I would ideally want to use
       SecondClass nothing ;
       FactoryClass.getReference( nothing ) ; //NullReferenceException (because the SWIG generated interface uses nothing.CPtr() to pass by pointer as it does with all refs).

我尝试了很多%typename体操用FactoryClass.getReference( FirstClass )取代FactoryClass.getReference( out FirstClass )的签名(甚至是引用FirstClass),但我找不到合适的方法。< / p>

在一个完美的世界中,我只想在C#中的FactoryClass中生成void getReference<T>( ref T inout ),但即使使用SWIG %extend关键字添加方法也不会生成它,因为我必须实例化我需要的每个模板。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


您需要使用%pragma(csharp)指令为C#端的 BaseClass 提供特殊工厂。然后你需要用你的csout类型映射映射你的指针:

%typemap(csout, excode=SWIGEXCODE)
  BaseClass*, std::shared_ptr<BaseClass>, std::shared_ptr<BaseClass> & {
    System.IntPtr cPtr = $imcall;
    // The following line is a call to your special factory
    BaseClass ret = $imclassname.createBaseClass(cPtr, $owner);$excode
    return ret;


%pragma(csharp) imclasscode=%{
    public static BaseClass createBaseClass(System.IntPtr cPtr, bool owner)
        BaseClass ret = null;
        if (cPtr == System.IntPtr.Zero) {
          return ret;
        string name = ($imclassname.BaseClass_getName(new System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, cPtr)));
        switch (name)
        case "First Class":
            return new FirstClass(cPtr, owner);
        case "Second Class":
            return new SecondClass(cPtr, owner);
            return null;
