使用Win32应用程序禁用Windows 7中的CONTROL + ALT + DELETE和Windows(win)键

时间:2010-12-25 07:09:39

标签: c++ c winapi

我正在编写一个像kiosk一样运行的应用程序,并且应该允许用户退出应用程序。在Windows 7中,当他按下 Win 键或 CTRL + ALT + DELETE 时,它会出现超出计划。我需要以编程方式禁用Windows 7中的 Ctrl + ALT + DELETE 组合键和 Win

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:12)

Alt + Tab 也会切换出应用程序。 Ctrl + Esc 是打开“开始”菜单的备用快捷方式。 Alt + Esc 在正在运行的应用程序之间翻转。有许多不同的键序列可以做到这一点; Windows是一个多任务操作系统的自然结果。

要解决此问题,您将不得不安装可以捕获这些任务键的低级键盘钩子。钩子将监视用于切换任务的任何常用键序列。每当它检测到其中一个序列时,它将忽略输入而不将其传递给钩链。 Paul DiLascia在2002年9月的MSDN杂志中写了article that addresses this very question。你关心的部分大约在页面的中间开始,但为了方便起见,我在这里重印了它,以获得语法高亮的乐趣:


// MSDN Magazine — September 2002
// If this code works, it was written by Paul DiLascia.
// If not, I don't know who wrote it.
// Compiles with Visual Studio 6.0 and Visual Studio .NET on Windows XP.
#define DLLIMPORT __declspec(dllimport)

DLLIMPORT BOOL DisableTaskKeys(BOOL bEnable, BOOL bBeep);
DLLIMPORT BOOL AreTaskKeysDisabled();


// MSDN Magazine — September 2002
// If this code works, it was written by Paul DiLascia.
// If not, I don't know who wrote it.
// Compiles with Visual Studio 6.0 and Visual Studio .NET on Windows XP.
// This file implements the low-level keyboard hook that traps the task 
// keys.
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 // for KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT
#include <afxwin.h>         // MFC core and standard components

#define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)

// App (DLL) object
class CTaskKeyHookDll : public CWinApp {
   CTaskKeyHookDll()  { }
   ~CTaskKeyHookDll() { }
} MyDll;

// The section is SHARED among all instances of this DLL.
// A low-level keyboard hook is always a system-wide hook.
#pragma data_seg (".mydata")
HHOOK g_hHookKbdLL = NULL; // hook handle
BOOL  g_bBeep = FALSE;     // beep on illegal key
#pragma data_seg ()
#pragma comment(linker, "/SECTION:.mydata,RWS") // tell linker: make it 
                                                // shared

// Low-level keyboard hook:
// Trap task-switching keys by returning without passing along.

   if (nCode==HC_ACTION) {
      BOOL bCtrlKeyDown =
         GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL)>>((sizeof(SHORT) * 8) - 1);

      if ((pkh->vkCode==VK_ESCAPE && bCtrlKeyDown) || // Ctrl+Esc
          // Alt+TAB
          (pkh->vkCode==VK_TAB && pkh->flags & LLKHF_ALTDOWN) ||   
          // Alt+Esc
          (pkh->vkCode==VK_ESCAPE && pkh->flags & LLKHF_ALTDOWN)|| 
          (pkh->vkCode==VK_LWIN || pkh->vkCode==VK_RWIN)) { // Start Menu
         if (g_bBeep && (wp==WM_SYSKEYDOWN||wp==WM_KEYDOWN))
            MessageBeep(0); // only beep on downstroke if requested
         return 1; // gobble it: go directly to jail, do not pass go
   return CallNextHookEx(g_hHookKbdLL, nCode, wp, lp);

// Are task keys disabled—ie, is hook installed?
// Note: This assumes there's no other hook that does the same thing!
DLLEXPORT BOOL AreTaskKeysDisabled()
   return g_hHookKbdLL != NULL;

// Disable task keys: install low-level kbd hook.
// Return whether currently disabled or not.
DLLEXPORT BOOL DisableTaskKeys(BOOL bDisable, BOOL bBeep)
   if (bDisable) {
      if (!g_hHookKbdLL) {
         g_hHookKbdLL = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL,
            MyTaskKeyHookLL, MyDll.m_hInstance, 0);

   } else if (g_hHookKbdLL != NULL) {
      g_hHookKbdLL = NULL;
   g_bBeep = bBeep;

   return AreTaskKeysDisabled();


至于阻止 Ctrl + Alt + Del (安全注意序列或SAS),上述方法不会工作。原因是操作系统将SAS生成的硬件中断与其他密钥分开捕获,特别是为了防止程序挂钩序列和欺骗登录提示。您无法使用键盘钩子禁用此功能。我上面链接的文章确实在顶部详细介绍了这个要求,但这些策略只是经过测试,而且很可能只适用于Windows XP。本文提出的另一种方法是禁用任务管理器,但请注意,这不会阻止用户关闭系统等。正确的方法是编写键盘驱动程序。

答案 1 :(得分:1)

AFAIK,你无法在win32中捕获CTRL + ALT + DELETE键组合。如果你愿意的话,有办法解决这个问题。

答案 2 :(得分:0)
