
时间:2017-07-25 00:03:29

标签: ruby-on-rails rubygems dependencies activesupport

我最近安装了宝石" Paperclip"使用:

gem" paperclip",git:" git://github.com/thoughtbot/paperclip.git"

Bundler找不到gem" activesupport"的兼容版本:   在Gemfile中:     回形针被解决为5.1.0,这取决于       activesupport(> = 4.2.0)

rails (= 4.1.5) was resolved to 4.1.5, which depends on
  activesupport (= 4.1.5)

rails (= 4.1.5) was resolved to 4.1.5, which depends on
  activesupport (= 4.1.5)

rails (= 4.1.5) was resolved to 4.1.5, which depends on
  activesupport (= 4.1.5)

我相信我的Paperclip / Activesupport / Rails版本存在某种依赖性/冲突问题,无法指责它。

尝试过sudo安装Activesupport(玩不同版本) - 没有运气。捆绑更新,捆绑安装,使用gemfile.lock等。我陷入了循环。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

通过降级Ruby版本,然后重新运行bundle update,bundle install来解决问题。