
时间:2017-07-24 22:43:54

标签: swift function enums state


但是,所有这些都发生在Maze类和GameScene类中。在GameScene.swift内,我创建了一个enum wallSides,其状态为'upSide,downSide,leftSide,rightSide,noSide' (基本上是指用户点击的单元格的侧壁):

enum wallSides {
    case upSide, downSide, leftSide, rightSide, noSide

我在func ConvertLocationPointtoGridPosition中使用这些状态,它接收CGPoint位置并转换并将其作为x,y整数返回(以查找它在网格中的哪个单元格)。该函数还使用所需的位置,使用upSide, downSide, leftSide, rightSide, noSide状态找出位置点所在的单元格墙,并返回wallSide

func ConvertLocationPointToGridPosition(location: CGPoint) -> (x: Int, y: Int, side: wallSides) {
    var xPoint: CGFloat
    var yPoint: CGFloat
    xPoint = location.x / CGFloat(tileSize)
    yPoint = location.y / CGFloat(tileSize)
    let yPointRemainder = yPoint.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 1)
    let xPointRemainder = xPoint.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: 1)
    var wallSide: wallSides

    if yPointRemainder < 0.2 && xPointRemainder < 0.8 && xPointRemainder > 0.2 {
        wallSide = .downSide
    } else if yPointRemainder > 0.8 && xPointRemainder < 0.8 && xPointRemainder > 0.2 {
        wallSide = .upSide
    } else if xPointRemainder < 0.2 && yPointRemainder < 0.8 && yPointRemainder > 0.2 {
        wallSide = .leftSide
    } else if  xPointRemainder > 0.8 && yPointRemainder < 0.8 && yPointRemainder > 0.2 {
        wallSide = .rightSide
    } else {
        wallSide = .noSide
    }//end of if-then

    return(Int(xPoint), Int(yPoint), wallSide)

我想要做的是在func TouchesBegan内,如果用户点击的节点是墙,并且&#34;如果墙状态是右侧,那么做一些事情&#34;但我不确定如何从fConvertLocationPointToGridPosition访问枚举的状态和变量:

override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
    //actually user tapping a wall
    //send a message that the wall has been tapped
    let touch = touches.first!              // Get the first touch
    let location  = touch.location(in: self) //find the location of the touch in the view
    let nodeAtPoint = atPoint(location) //find the node at that location
    if nodeAtPoint.name == "mazeWall" {
        ConvertLocationPointToGridPosition(location: location)
        //self.removeChildren(in: [self.atPoint(location)])

        //if  side == wallSides.downSide {
    }//end of nodeAtPoint = mazeWall if-then statement


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    override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
    //actually user tapping a wall
    //send a message that the wall has been tapped
    let touch = touches.first!              // Get the first touch
    let location  = touch.location(in: self) //find the location of the touch in the view
    let nodeAtPoint = atPoint(location) //find the node at that location
    if nodeAtPoint.name == "mazeWall" {

        let (x, y, side) = ConvertLocationPointToGridPosition(location: location)
        //self.removeChildren(in: [self.atPoint(location)])

        if  side == wallSides.downSide {
    }//end of nodeAtPoint = mazeWall if-then statement


let position = ConvertLocationPointToGridPosition(location: location)
print("side: \(position.2)")