DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, , FN, F.Path, True
此import语句可以工作并创建必要的表。但是,它会根据数据创建字段类型,并且根据数据的前几行,它可能会创建一个字段作为应该是文本的数字 - 然后在文件中遇到文本值时会导致错误。 / p>
答案 0 :(得分:0)
很麻烦,但它解决了这两个问题 - 我不限于输入文件中的255个字段,我可以在创建字段时控制字段的数据类型。
Function Layout()
Set db = CurrentDb()
Folder = DLookup("[data folder]", "folder")
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
Set flist = FSO.GetFolder(Folder).Files
db.Execute ("delete * from [data dictionary]")
For Each F In flist
FN = Left(F.Name, InStr(F.Name, ".") - 1)
FT = Mid(F.Name, InStr(F.Name, ".") + 1)
If FT <> "csv" Then GoTo Skip
If TestFile(F.path) = "ASCII" Then
Set instream = FSO.OpenTextFile(F.path, ForReading, , 0)
Else: Set instream = FSO.OpenTextFile(F.path, ForReading, , -1)
End If
header = instream.ReadLine
Data = Split(header, ",")
For i = LBound(Data) To UBound(Data)
SQL = "insert into [data dictionary] ([table], [field], [index]) select "
SQL = SQL & "'" & FN & "','" & Data(i) & "','" & i & "'"
db.Execute SQL
Next i
Skip: Next F
End Function
Function TestFile(ByVal path As String)
Dim buffer As String
Dim InFileNum As Integer
Dim firstByte As Integer
Dim secondByte As Integer
Dim thirdByte As Integer
buffer = String(100, " ")
InFileNum = FreeFile
Open path For Binary Access Read As InFileNum
Get InFileNum, , buffer
Close InFileNum
firstByte = Asc(Mid(buffer, 1, 1))
secondByte = Asc(Mid(buffer, 2, 1))
thirdByte = Asc(Mid(buffer, 3, 1))
If (firstByte = 255 And secondByte = 254) Then
TestFile = "Unicode"
ElseIf (firstByte = 254 And secondByte = 255) Then
TestFile = "Unicode"
ElseIf (firstByte = 239 And secondByte = 187 And thirdByte = 191) Then
TestFile = "Unicode"
TestFile = "ASCII"
End If
End Function
Function import()
Folder = DLookup("[data folder]", "folder")
Set db = CurrentDb()
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
Set Tlist = db.OpenRecordset("select [table] from [data dictionary] where ([required]<>'') group by [table]")
Do While Not Tlist.EOF
TN = Tlist.Fields("table").Value
Delete_table (TN)
Set flist = db.OpenRecordset("select * from [data dictionary] where [required]<>'' and [table]='" & TN & "'")
Text = ""
Do While Not flist.EOF
FN = flist.Fields("Field")
Text = Text & "," & FN & " " & IIf(InStr(FN, "Date") > 0 Or InStr(FN, "_DT") > 0, "DATETIME", "TEXT")
SQL = "CREATE TABLE " & TN & "(" & Mid(Text, 2) & ")"
db.Execute SQL
path = Folder & "\" & TN & ".csv"
If TestFile(path) = "ASCII" Then
Set instream = FSO.OpenTextFile(path, ForReading, , 0)
Else: Set instream = FSO.OpenTextFile(path, ForReading, , -1)
End If
header = instream.ReadLine
Do While Not instream.AtEndOfStream
Line = parser(instream.ReadLine)
Data = Split(Line, ",")
Text = ""
Do While Not flist.EOF
n = flist.Fields("index").Value
Text = Text & ",'" & Data(n) & "'"
SQL = "insert into [" & TN & "] values(" & Mid(Text, 2) & ")"
db.Execute SQL
x = MultipleCodes()
MsgBox ("done")
End Function
Function parser(S)
parser = S
i = InStr(S, Chr(34))
If i = 0 Then
parser = S
j = InStr(i + 1, S, Chr(34))
T = Mid(S, i + 1, j - i - 1)
T = Replace(T, ",", ";")
parser = Left(S, i - 1) & T & parser(Mid(S, j + 1))
End If
End Function