这导致每个项目有2个单独的TCP套接字,最终导致端口耗尽。我想我真的不知道这在操作系统级别是如何工作的,但我从来没有看到每次调用AD的单独套接字 - 或者更可能的是,我从来没有看过因为我&# 39;从来没有做任何事情来做足够的电话来耗尽端口。
$RootPath = Import-Csv "C:\Users\xxxx\Documents\acl cleanup\Dir_List.csv"
foreach ($Record in $Rootpath) {
# Build Output Files and headers
$OutFile = "C:\Users\xxxx\Documents\acl cleanup\$($Record.name).csv"
$Header = "Folder Path,Account,AccessRights,AppliesTo,Type,IsInherited"
$Outfile2 = "C:\Users\xxxx\Documents\acl cleanup\$($Record.name)Members.csv"
$Header2 = "GroupName,Member"
Add-Content -Value $Header -Path $OutFile
Add-Content -Value $Header2 -Path $Outfile2
# Do a recursive Dir listing using the path from the input rootpath and
# store it in FOLDERS variable
$Folders = Get-ChildItem2 -Directory -Recurse -Path $Record.FullName
# Initialize an empty array for storing the unique group names
$groupnames = @() #initialize array
# Main logic is here
# 1. For each folder in the folders listing,
# a) Get the ntfs permissions using the NTFS Access module and store it
# in ACLS variable
# 2. For each ACL in each folder, write them to a master table of all ACLS
# before we move on
# 3. Using the ACLS variable again, do a group lookup for that ACE if:
# 1) it is a GROUP
# 2) and not one of the builtin default groups
# 3) and NOT in the Groupname variable already (ensures that I'm not
# going to AD for the same group over and over again)
# 3. Now that I have the unique Group name, lookup the members using
# Get-ADGroup and pipe that to Get-ADGroupMember
# 4. Write the output to a file
foreach ($Folder in $Folders) {
$ACLs = Get-NTFSAccess $Folder.FullName
foreach ($ACL in $ACLs) {
$OutInfo = $ACL.FullName + "," + $ACL.Account + "," + $ACL.AccessRights + "," + $ACL.AppliesTo + "," + $ACL.Type + "," + $ACL.IsInherited
Add-Content -Value $OutInfo -Path $OutFile
foreach ($ACL in $ACLs) {
if ($ACL.AccountType -match 'group' -and $acl.Account.AccountName -notmatch '^builtin|^NT AUTHORITY\\|^Creator|^AD\\Domain') {
$groupname = Get-ADGroup $ACL.Account.AccountName.Substring(3)
if ($groupnames -notcontains $groupname.Name) {
$groupnames += $groupname.Name
foreach ($group in $Groupnames) {
$members = Get-ADGroup $group | Get-ADGroupMember
foreach ($member in $members) {
$OutInfo2 = $Group + "," + $member.SamAccountName
Add-Content -Value $OutInfo2 -Path $OutFile2
答案 0 :(得分:2)
$groupname = Get-ADGroup $acl.Account.AccountName.Substring(3)
foreach ($Folder in $Folders) {
foreach ($ACL in $ACLs) {
if ($ACL.AccountType -match ...) {
$groupname = $ACL.Account.AccountName.Substring(3)
if ($groupnames -notcontains $groupname) {
$groupnames += $groupname
Get-ADGroup -Filter '*' | Where-Object {
$groupnames -contains $_.Name
} | ForEach-Object {
$groupname = $_.Name
Get-ADGroupMember $groupname | ForEach-Object {
New-Object -Type PSObject -Property @{
Group = $groupname
Member = $_.SamAccountName
} | Export-Csv $OutFile2 -NoType
答案 1 :(得分:2)
最后,端口使用耗尽是因为NTFSAccess模块。我转而使用内置的Get-Acl cmdlet,而不再使用疯狂的端口。我不得不重新格式化一些东西并深入挖掘以获得我需要的属性但它有效。但是,Get-Acl的一个问题是,它不会将TYPE作为文件夹返回的一部分返回,因此我最初无法过滤掉用户。因此,我扩展了每个人使用DB \文件来查询和使用Get-Content导入完整的组转储的想法。然后我做了一个反对它和Bang!有用。内存使用率低,没有端口耗尽,我只需要AD来查询唯一组的成员资格,我仍然可以使用Get-Childitem2 cmdlet来绕过Netbios字符限制。另外,因为它很有趣 - 我正在扫描的文件夹,我有一个文件夹,400k +文件夹,2个150k,4个30-60k。
#Import path list to scan and the Master list of groups from AD, excluding the base domain groups and Builtin
$RootPath = import-csv "C:\Users\xxxx\Documents\acl cleanup\dept2_Dir_List.csv"
$MasterGroupList = Get-Content "C:\Users\xxxx\Documents\acl cleanup\ADGroupOnlyDump.csv"
ForEach ($Record in $Rootpath){
#Build Output Files and headers
$OutFile = "C:\Users\xxxx\Documents\acl cleanup\dept2\$($Record.name).csv"
$Header = "Folder Path,Account,AccessRights,AppliesTo,Type,IsInherited"
$Outfile2 = "C:\Users\xxxx\Documents\acl cleanup\dept2\$($Record.name)Members.csv"
$Header2 = "GroupName,Member"
Add-Content -Value $Header -Path $OutFile
Add-Content -Value $Header2 -Path $Outfile2
#Do a recursive Dir listing using the path from the input rootpath and store it on FOLDERS variable
$Folders = get-childitem2 -directory -recurse -path $Record.FullName
#Initialize an empty array for storing the group names so I can compare them and only store the unique ones
$groupnames = @()
#Main logic is here
#1. For each folder in the folders listing,
#a) Get the ntfs permissions using get-Acl and store it in ACLs variable
#b) For each ACL on each folder, write them to a master table of all ACLS for the folder one at a time
#c) When done, move on and do a group lookup for that ACE if:
# 1) it is a GROUP
# 2) and not one of the builtin default groups* - regex match not needed if imported group listing excludes them already
# 3) and NOT in the Groupname variable already (ensures that im not going to AD for the same group over and over again)
#2. Now that I have the unique Group name, lookup the members using get-adgroup and pipe that to get-adgroupmember
#3. Write the output to a file
Foreach ($Folder in $Folders)
$ACLs = get-acl $Folder.fullname | select -expandproperty access
Foreach ($ACL in $ACLs)
$OutInfo = $Folder.Fullname + "," + $ACL.IdentityReference + "," + $ACL.AccessControlType + "," + $ACL.IsInherited + "," + $ACL.InheritanceFlags + "," + $ACL.FileSystemRights
Add-Content -Value $OutInfo -Path $OutFile
Foreach ($ACL in $ACLs)
If ($MasterGroupList -contains $Acl.IdentityReference.value.substring(3) )
$groupname = Get-adgroup $acl.identityreference.value.substring(3)
if ($groupnames -notcontains $groupname.Name)
$groupnames += $groupname.Name
Foreach ($group in $Groupnames)
$members = get-adgroup $group | Get-ADGroupMember
Foreach ($member in $members)
$OutInfo2 = $Group + "," + $member.samaccountname
Add-Content -Value $OutInfo2 -Path $OutFile2