Shopify允许将页面嵌入到管理站点中,为此我可以使用ASP.NET MVC创建页面并获取Shopify管理面板中显示的页面。
我正在使用 Asp.Net Mvc 5 并使用AuthorizeAttribute
类,但现在我正在使用 Asp.Net Core ,似乎授权过滤器已更改。
我已经阅读了一些关于Asp.Net Core中新授权系统如何的文章,但我无法确定最佳方法。
namespace MyShopifyApp.Filters
public class EmbeddedAppAuthAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
//Validates if the nonce/state from the query string is correct
var stateParameter = httpContext.Request.QueryString["state"];
var nonce = ShopifyHelper.AuthorizationNonceManager.GetNonce(ProjectSettings.ShopifyShopUrl);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stateParameter))
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nonce) || stateParameter != nonce)
return false;
//Validates if the shop parameter from the query string is valid
var shopParameter = httpContext.Request.QueryString["shop"];
if (!ProjectSettings.IsValidShop(shopParameter))
return false;
//Calculates a HMAC signature and validates if the request is really from Shopify
if (!ShopifyAuthorizationService.IsAuthenticRequest(httpContext.Request.QueryString, ProjectSettings.ShopifyAdminAppApiSecret))
return false;
//Everything is correct so allow the request to continue
return true;
protected override void HandleUnauthorizedRequest(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
namespace MyShopifyApp.Controllers
public class MyController : Controller
public async Task<ActionResult> Index(string hmac, string shop, string signature, string timeStamp, string protocol)
//Do something here only if the request is authentic and sent by Shopify