使用VBA excel在Stacked面积图中修复图表标签颜色

时间:2017-07-24 11:28:38

标签: excel vba charts


Public Function ChartSeriesFormat()

Dim objDictChartColor   As Object       
Dim varChartColor       As Variant      
Dim rngChartColor       As Range        
Dim objSalesChart       As Chart         
Dim rngTemp             As Range        
Dim strSeriesName       As String       
Dim lngStartRow         As Long        
Dim lngColor            As Long         
Dim lngItem             As Long         

' --> Assign objects
Set objSalesChart = shtOutput.ChartObjects("chtMarketShare").Chart
varChartColor = shtMapping.Range("rng_ChartColor").CurrentRegion
Set rngChartColor = shtMapping.Range("rng_ChartColor").CurrentRegion
Set objDictChartColor = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

For lngItem = 1 To UBound(varChartColor, 1)
    If Not objDictChartColor.exists(LCase(varChartColor(lngItem, 1))) Then
        objDictChartColor.Add LCase(varChartColor(lngItem, 1)), rngChartColor.Cells(lngItem, 1).Interior.Color
    End If
Next lngItem

lngStartRow = shtOutput.Range("rng_OutputDB1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count

For lngItem = 1 To objSalesChart.SeriesCollection.Count
    With objSalesChart
        'Make all the lines in the series xlcontinous
        .SeriesCollection(lngItem).Border.LineStyle = xlContinuous
        strSeriesName = LCase(.SeriesCollection(lngItem).Name)
        lngColor = objDictChartColor.Item(strSeriesName)
        .SeriesCollection(lngItem).Border.Color = lngColor
    End With

On Error Resume Next
    With shtOutput.Range("rng_OutputDB2")
        If .Offset(1).Value <> "" Then
            Set rngTemp = .CurrentRegion.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
        End If
    End With
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        Err.Clear: On Error GoTo 0: On Error GoTo -1
        GoTo ClearMemory
    End If
Err.Clear: On Error GoTo 0: On Error GoTo -1

For lngItem = lngStartRow To objSalesChart.SeriesCollection.Count
    With objSalesChart
        'Make all the lines in the series xlcontinous
        .SeriesCollection(lngItem).Border.Color = objSalesChart.SeriesCollection(lngItem - (lngStartRow - 1)).Border.Color
        .SeriesCollection(lngItem).Border.LineStyle = xlDot
    End With




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