public static void main(String[] args){
Map<String, String> columnNames_TypesMap = tableUtil.getColumnNamesAndTypesFromOracleDB(toTable);
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(50);
Set<Future<String>> values = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<Future<String>, Boolean>());
Future<String> value = null;
boolean valueSizeLogged = false;
long preValuesSize = values.size();
outer: while (true) {
//In the below method I am reducing values size.
count = tableUtil.checkIfAllRowsCopied(values, count, totalNoOfRecordsInFromTable);
if (values.size() > 5) {
logger.info("****** Hence we do not create new threads. We do wait for the created threads to compelte");
Thread.sleep(sleepTime);//Here I am putting my main thread to sleep
continue outer;
for (int indexForThread = 1; indexForThread <= 15; indexForThread++) {
startingRange = endingRanges + 1;
endingRanges = endingRanges + maxNoOfRecordsPerThread;
Callable<String> callable2 = new InsertionCallable(as400SchemaName + "." + fromTable, startingRange, endingRanges, columnNames_TypesMap, toTable);
value = executor.submit(callable2);//Child Thread
在上面的代码中我首先创建了15个Threads。在第二个循环(外部while)中,如果值大小大于5,我正在执行Thread.sleep(),此时创建的子线程会发生什么? Child线程是否也会进入睡眠模式或Child Threads会发生什么。
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