第一次运行宏时,会显示错误1。 第二次运行宏后,出现错误2。 我相信我已经设置并且还在代码中发布了该文件。 我在下面发布了部分代码。
(If sheet_name = "sheet1" Then)
显示在其他条件(If sheet_name = "sheet2 & 3" Then)
Dim fileNo As Integer
Dim sheet_name As String
Dim csv_file As String
Dim mainworkBook As Workbook
Dim namesList As Object
Dim 1Rng As range
Dim 2Rng As range
Dim 3Rng As range
Set mainworkBook = ActiveWorkbook '
Set namesList = mainworkBook.Sheets("sample_work")
Set 1Rng = range(namesList.Cells(3, 1), namesList.Cells(9, 1))
Set 2Rng = range(namesList.Cells(3, 3), namesList.Cells(49, 3))
Set 3Rng = range(namesList.Cells(3, 5), namesList.Cells(1780, 5))
fileNo = FreeFile
Open csvFilePath For Output As #fileNo
For iCount = 2 To maxRow
For jCount = 2 To maxCol - 1
cellValue = Cells(iCount, jCount)
If sheet_name = "sheet1" Then
' convert the keys into the values
If jCount = 7 And Not iCount = 2 Then
cellValue = 1Rng.Find(cellValue).Offset(0, 1).value
End If
If jCount = 8 And Not iCount = 2 Then
cellValue = 2Rng.Find(cellValue).Offset(0, 1).value
End If
End If
If sheet_name = "sheet2" Then
If jCount = 8 And Not iCount = 2 Then
cellValue = 1Rng.Find(cellValue).Offset(0, 1).value
End If
If jCount = 8 And Not iCount = 2 Then
cellValue = 2Rng.Find(cellValue).Offset(0, 1).value
End If
End If
If sheet_name = "sheet3" Then
cellValue = 3Rng.Find(cellValue).Offset(0, 1).value
End If
End If
Write #fileNo, cellValue;
kCount = jCount
Next jCount
cellValue = Cells(iCount, kCount + 1)
Write #fileNo, cellValue
Next iCount
Close #fileNo