
时间:2017-07-21 22:44:58

标签: clojure protocols reference-manual


(defn foo [to x] (conj to x))


作为使用Sam Estep的建议的一个清晰而具体的例子,它看起来像:

(defn invert-many-to-one
  "returns a one-to-many mapping where vals are collections of type `(constructor-fn)`,
   (defaults to `hash-set`). Note that `constructor-fn` is a function of 0 args.
  `insert-fn` function can be passed. if only `constructor-fn` is passed
  then `insert-fn` defaults to `conj` and `(constructor-fn)` must be an instance
  of `clojure.lang.IPersistentCollection`"
  ([m] (invert-many-to-one hash-set conj m))
  ([constructor-fn m] {:pre [(instance? clojure.lang.IPersistentCollection (constructor-fn))]}
   (invert-many-to-one constructor-fn conj m))
  ([constructor-fn insert-fn m]
    (reduce (fn [m [k v]]
              (assoc! m v (insert-fn (clojure.core/get m v (constructor-fn)) k)))
            (transient {}) m))))

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

不幸的是,在Clojure 1.2之前没有引入protocols,到那时,所有内置的数据结构抽象都已经实现as Java interfaces而不是协议。这有你期望的缺点,但是当重新实现所有这些抽象作为协议适合ClojureScript,因为它是在引入协议之后创建的,将它们改进到JVM Clojure中是不可行的。


(defn foo [to x]
  {:pre [(instance? clojure.lang.IPersistentCollection to)]}
  (conj to x))



(defn invert-many-to-one
  "Returns a one-to-many mapping where vals are collections of type
  `(constructor-fn)` (defaults to `hash-set`). Note that `constructor-fn` is a
  function of 0 args. `insert-fn` function can be passed. If only
  `constructor-fn` is passed then `insert-fn` defaults to `conj`.
  `(constructor-fn)` must be an instance of
   (invert-many-to-one hash-set m))
  ([constructor-fn m]
   (invert-many-to-one constructor-fn conj m))
  ([constructor-fn insert-fn m]
   {:pre [(instance? clojure.lang.IPersistentCollection (constructor-fn))]}
    (reduce (fn [m [k v]]
              (assoc! m v (insert-fn (get m v (constructor-fn)) k)))
            (transient {}) m))))
  • 我改变了arity-1身体来召唤arity-2身体而不是arity-3身体;这样,您只需在一个位置指定conj作为默认值。
  • 我将前提条件移到了arity-3体中,以便在所有情况下使用它。
  • 我将clojure.core/get替换为仅get的惯用语。
