
时间:2017-07-21 09:09:50

标签: perl

朋友需要帮助。关注我的INPUT TEXT FILE

Andrew   UK
Cindy    China
Rupa     India
Gordon   Australia
Peter    New Zealand



use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

my %hash = ();
my $file = ".../input_and_output.txt";
my $people;
my $country;

open (my $fh, "<", $file) or die "Can't open the file $file: ";
my $line;
while (my $line =<$fh>) {
  my ($people) = split("", $line);
  $hash{$people} = 1;

foreach my $people (sort keys %hash) {

  my @country = $people;
  foreach my $c (@country) {
    my $c_folder = `country/test1_testdata/17.26.6/$c/`;   

    if (-d $cad_root){
      print "Exit\n";
    } else {
      print "NA\n";

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


my ($people) = split("", $line);


相反,您应该在split' 'a special pattern的单个空格字符):


作为另一种特殊情况,...当PATTERN被省略或由单个空格字符组成的字符串(例如' '"\x20",而不是/ /)时。在这种情况下,EXPR中的任何前导空格都会在拆分发生之前被删除,而PATTERN则被视为/\s+/;特别是,这意味着任何连续的空格(不只是一个空格字符)都被用作分隔符。


#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

my @people;

while (my $line = <DATA>) {
    $line =~ /\S/ or next;
    $line =~ s/\s+\z//;
    push @people, [ split ' ', $line, 2 ];

use YAML::XS;
print Dump \@people;

Andrew   UK
Cindy    China
Rupa     India
Gordon   Australia
Peter    New Zealand

将条目添加到数组中以便1)保留输入顺序; 2)两个同名但来自不同国家的人不会导致一个条目丢失。


现在有一个选项是浏览人 - 国家/地区对列表,并打印目录country/test1_testdata/17.26.6/$c/所存在的所有对(顺便提一下,在您的代码中)

my $c_folder = `country/test1_testdata/17.26.6/$c/`;


鉴于你的问题集中在哈希上,我使用了一系列对匿名哈希的引用来存储下面代码中的人 - 国家对列表。我缓存查找结果以减少您需要点击磁盘的次数。

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

@ARGV == 2 ? run( @ARGV )
      : die_usage()

sub run {
    my $people_data_file = shift;
    my $country_files_location = shift;

    open my $in, '<', $people_data_file
        or die "Failed to open '$people_data_file': $!";

    my @people;
    my %countries;

    while (my $line = <$in>) {
        next unless $line =~ /\S/; # ignore lines consisting of blanks
        $line =~ s/\s+\z//;# remove all trailing whitespace
        my ($name, $country) = split ' ', $line, 2;
        push @people, { name => $name, country => $country };
        $countries{ $country } = undef;

    # At this point, @people has a list of person-country pairs
    # We are going to use %countries to reduce the number of
    # times we need to check the existence of a given directory,
    # assuming that the directory tree is stable while this program
    # is running.

    for my $person ( @people ) {
        my $country = $person->{country};
        if ($countries{ $country }) {
            print join("\t", $person->{name}, $country), "\n";
        elsif (-d "$country_files_location/$country/") {
            $countries{ $country } = 1;
            redo PEOPLE;

sub die_usage {
    die "Need data file name and country files location\n";

现在,这方面有很多变化,这就是为什么 制定一个清晰简洁的问题非常重要,以便人们试图帮助你回答<强烈> 你的 具体问题,而不是每个人在他们看到问题时提出他/她自己的问题解决方案。例如,人们也可以这样做:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

@ARGV == 2 ? run( @ARGV )
      : die_usage()

sub run {
    my $people_data_file = shift;
    my $country_files_location = shift;

    open my $in, '<', $people_data_file
        or die "Failed to open '$people_data_file': $!";

    my %countries;

    while (my $line = <$in>) {
        next unless $line =~ /\S/; # ignore lines consisting of blanks
        $line =~ s/\s+\z//;# remove all trailing whitespace
        my ($name, $country) = split ' ', $line, 2;
        push @{ $countries{$country} }, $name;

    for my $country (keys %countries) {
        -d "$country_files_location/$country"
            or delete $countries{ $country };

    # At this point, %countries maps each country for which
    # we have a data file to a list of people. We can then
    # print those quite simply so long as we don't care about
    # replicating the original order of lines from the original
    # data file. People's names will still be sorted in order
    # of appearance in the original data file for each country.

    while (my ($country, $people) = each %countries) {
        for my $person ( @$people) {
            print join("\t", $person, $country), "\n";

sub die_usage {
    die "Need data file name and country files location\n";

答案 1 :(得分:-1)

如果你想要的是哈希中的名字计数器,那么我找到了你,伙计! 我不会尝试其余代码,因为您正在检查记录文件夹 我无法访问,所以我无法解决任何问题。


#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;  
use feature 'say'; # Really like using say instead of print because no need for newline. 

my $file = 'input_file.txt';
my $fh; # A filehandle. 

my %hash;
my $people;
my $country;
my $line;  
unless(open($fh, '<', $file)){die "Could not open file $_ because $!"}

while($line = <$fh>)
($people, $country) = split(/\s{2,}/, $line); # splitting on at least two spaces

say "$people \t $country"; # Just printing out the coolumns in the file or people and Country.

$hash{$people}++; # Just counting all the people in the hash.
                    # Seeing how many unique names there are, like is there more than one Cindy, etc ...?     

say "\nNow I'm just sorting the hash of people by names.";

foreach(sort{$a cmp $b} keys %hash)
say "$_ => $hash{$_}"; # Based on your file. The counter is at 1 because nobody has the same names. 


Andrew   UK

Cindy    China

Rupa     India

Gordon   Australia

Peter    New Zealand

Andrew   United States

Now I'm just sorting the hash of people by names.
Andrew => 2
Cindy => 1
Gordon => 1
Peter => 1
Rupa => 1

我在文件中添加了另一个Andrew。这个安德鲁来自美国 如你看到的。我看到你的一个问题。看看这个:

my ($people) = split("", $line);

您正在拆分字符,因为这些引号之间没有空格。 如果你现在看一下这个变化,你就会分裂至少一个空间。

 my ($people) = split(" ", $line);