Option Explicit
Public Sub RateTest1()
Const COLUMN_1 = "D", WS1_START = 2
Const COLUMN_2 = "G", WS2_START = 2
Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet, col1 As Variant, col2 As Variant, tr As Long
Dim max1 As Long, max2 As Long, r1 As Long, r2 As Long, red As Long, found As Boolean
Dim miss As Range
tr = Rows.Count: red = RGB(255, 0, 0)
Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1"): max1 = ws1.Cells(tr, COLUMN_1).End(xlUp).Row
Set ws2 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1"): max2 = ws2.Cells(tr, COLUMN_2).End(xlUp).Row
col1 = ws1.Range(ws1.Cells(1, COLUMN_1), ws1.Cells(max1, COLUMN_1))
col2 = ws2.Range(ws2.Cells(1, COLUMN_2), ws2.Cells(max2, COLUMN_2))
For r2 = WS2_START To max2
For r1 = WS1_START To max1
If Len(col1(r1, 1)) > 0 And col1(r1, 1) <> "N/A" Then
found = (col1(r1, 1) = col2(r2, 1))
If found Then Exit For
End If
If Not found Then
If miss Is Nothing Then
Set miss = ws2.Cells(r2, COLUMN_2)
Set miss = Union(miss, ws2.Cells(r2, COLUMN_2))
End If
End If
miss.Interior.Color = red
For r2 = WS2_START To max2
For r1 = WS1_START To max1
If Len(col2(r2, 1)) > 0 And col1(r2, 1) <> "N/A" Then
found = (col1(r2, 1) = col2(r1, 1))
If found Then Exit For
End If
If Not found Then
If miss Is Nothing Then
Set miss = ws2.Cells(r2, COLUMN_2)
Set miss = Union(miss, ws2.Cells(r2, COLUMN_2))
End If
End If
miss.Interior.Color = red
End Sub
如果D中的值大于G并且几乎没有反过来,则代码有时仅识别出列D和G是不同的。 &#34; N / A&#34;代码就在那里因为最终我想添加不突出显示的代码,如果列D有1并且列G有&#34; N / A&#34;。这些被认为是相同的价值观。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
两个程序将找到两列之间的差异(非空值),但D列中值“1”除外,G列中值“N / A”
Option Explicit
Public Sub RateTest()
Dim ws As Worksheet, miss As Range, tmp As Range, t As Double
Dim max1 As Long, max2 As Long, colD As Range, colG As Range
t = Timer
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
max1 = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "D").End(xlUp).Row
max2 = ws.Cells(Rows.Count, "G").End(xlUp).Row
Set colD = ws.Range(ws.Cells(2, "D"), ws.Cells(max1, "D"))
Set colG = ws.Range(ws.Cells(2, "G"), ws.Cells(max2, "G"))
colD.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone
colG.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone
Set miss = CheckColumns(colD, colG, "N/A")
If miss Is Nothing Then
Set miss = CheckColumns(colG, colD, "1")
Set tmp = CheckColumns(colG, colD, "1")
If Not tmp Is Nothing Then Set miss = Union(miss, tmp)
End If
If Not miss Is Nothing Then miss.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
Debug.Print "Rows: " & max1 & "; Time: " & Format(Timer - t, "0.000") & " sec"
End Sub
Private Function CheckColumns(col1 As Range, col2 As Range, x As String) As Range
Dim c As Variant, r As Long, d As Object, rng As Range
col1.NumberFormat = "#,##0.00###"
c = col1.Value2
Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.dictionary")
For r = 1 To UBound(c)
With col1.Cells(r)
If .Errors.Item(xlNumberAsText).Value Then .Value2 = .Value2 + 0
End With
d(Trim$(CStr(c(r, 1)))) = vbNullString
c = col2.Value2
For r = 1 To UBound(c)
If Len(c(r, 1)) > 0 Then
If c(r, 1) <> x Then
If Not d.exists(Trim(CStr(c(r, 1)))) Then
If rng Is Nothing Then
Set rng = col2.Cells(r)
Set rng = Union(rng, col2.Cells(r))
End If
End If
End If
End If
Set CheckColumns = rng
End Function