我有一个UI(角度JS),用户希望能够add,update or delete
给定SoftwareImage的多个计划(参见下面的API模型)和后端(ASP.net web api) )我希望能够处理这些情况,以下是我们在UI和后端之间的算法,但它似乎是一种非常黑客的方式,我想得到专家的意见,你如何处理这种情况?
namespace Dashboard.Model.ApiModels
public class PostcommitSchedule
public string SoftwareImage { get; set; }
public List<PostcommitdayTime> PostcommitdayTime { get; set; }
public class PostcommitdayTime
public string day { get; set; }
public string Time { get; set; }
SELECT si.software_image,pbs.day_of_week_id,pbs.time_of_day FROM postcommitbuild_schedule pbs
join software_images si on si.software_image_id=pbs.software_image_id
where si.software_image='LNX.LA.3.6'
If empty object
Delete all records
Run a select query(see above) to see if there are any existing records for the given SoftwareImage(SI)
If records exits
Delete the existing records
Insert the new records
Insert the new records