C:\ ProgramFiles(x86)\ abc \ def \ example.bat→所有任务都正确完成
C:\ Program Files(x86)\ abc \ def \ example.bat→错误行为
{ example.bat }
@echo off
for %%F in ("%~dp0..\*.wgm") do (
set "file=%%~nxF"
move "%%F" "%cd%" >nul
goto :next
if not exist %cd%\output md output
if not exist %cd%\temp md temp
echo File "%file%" was moved from "%~dp0..\" to "%cd%" && move "*.wgm" "%cd%\"
for /d %%i in ("%cd%\") do ( cd "%%i" ) && for %%i in (*.wgm) do tool.exe *.wgm "%%~ni".dat "643054977005802"
move "%cd%\*.wgm" temp\
move "%cd%\*.dat" output\
if exist %~dp0..\*.wgm call example.bat
if not exist %~dp0..\*.wgm goto :last
for /r %%x in (*.dat) do ren "%%x" *.wgm
move "%cd%\temp\*.wgm" %~dp0..\ && rmdir /s /q "%cd%\temp"
答案 0 :(得分:0)
@echo off
set "target=%cd%\output_decrypted"
for %%F in ("%~dp0..\*.wgm") do (
set "file=%%~nxF"
move "%%F" "%cd%" >nul
goto :next )
if not exist "%target%\" md "%target%"
if not exist "temp" md temp
echo File "%file%" was moved from "%~dp0..\" to "%cd%" && move "*.wgm" "%cd%\"
for /d %%i in ("%cd%\") do ( cd "%%i" ) && for %%i in (*.wgm) do tool.exe *.wgm "%%~ni".dat "643054977005802"
move "%cd%\*.wgm" "temp\"
move "%cd%\*.dat" "output\"
if exist "%~dp0..\*.wgm" call example.bat 2>nul
if not exist "%~dp0..\*.wgm" goto :last
for /r %%x in (*.dat) do ren "%%x" *.wgm && move "%cd%\temp\*.wgm" "%~dp0..\" && rmdir /s /q "%cd%\temp"