Python 3从子列表末尾删除无值,或者如果子列表完全为None值则排除

时间:2017-07-19 17:27:20

标签: python list openpyxl


  1. 从子列表的末尾删除None,如果有的话,替换中间的用空字符串分隔的那些。

  2. 排除完全None s

  3. 的子列表
  4. 使用结果

  5. 创建新的列表列表


    from itertools import islice
    rows = [["row 1 index 0",None,"row 1 index 2",None,None],
            [None,"row 2 index 1",None,None,None],
    data = []
    for r in rows:
        for i,c in enumerate(reversed(r)):
            if c is not None:
                data.append(["" if x is None else
                             str(x) for x in islice(r,0,len(r)-i)])
    print (data)


    [['row 1 index 0', '', 'row 1 index 2'], ['', 'row 2 index 1']]


    from itertools import islice
    import time
    q = ["string",None,"string",None,"string"] + [None] * 95
    rows = [q.copy() for i in range(500000)]
    for z in range(1,6):
        st = time.time()
        data = []
        for r in rows:
            for i,c in enumerate(reversed(r)):
                if c is not None:
                    data.append(["" if x is None else
                                 str(x) for x in islice(r,0,len(r)-i)])
        end = time.time()
        print ("Run: " + str(z) + "| time: " + str(end-st))

    结果(i5 ivybridge windows 10):

    Run: 1| time: 5.787390232086182
    Run: 2| time: 5.802111387252808
    Run: 3| time: 5.697156190872192
    Run: 4| time: 5.38789963722229
    Run: 5| time: 5.739344596862793

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


from itertools import dropwhile

rows = [["row 1 index 0",None,"row 1 index 2",None,None],
        [None,"row 2 index 1",None,None,None],

# remove lists with all Nones
rows1 = [row for row in rows if set(row) != {None}]     
# remove trailing Nones
rows2 = [dropwhile(lambda x: x is None, reversed(row)) for row in rows1]
# replace None with ''
rows3 = [list(reversed([x if x is not None else '' for x in row])) for row in rows2]


[['row 1 index 0', '', 'row 1 index 2'], ['', 'row 2 index 1']]

答案 1 :(得分:3)




In [60]: rows = [["row 1 index 0",None,"row 1 index 2",None,None],
    ...:         [None,"row 2 index 1",None,None,None],
    ...:         [None,None,None,None,None]]

In [61]: rowsbig = [r*1000 for r in rows]

In [62]: rowsbig = [list(r) for _ in range(1000) for r in rowsbig]

In [63]: sum(len(r) for r in rowsbig)
Out[63]: 15000000


In [65]: def test_set(source=rowsbig):
     ...:     return [list(r) for r in source]


In [86]: def new_to_coding(rows):
    ...:     data = []
    ...:     for r in rows:
    ...:         for i,c in enumerate(reversed(r)):
    ...:             if c is not None:
    ...:                 data.append(["" if x is None else
    ...:                          str(x) for x in islice(r,0,len(r)-i)])
    ...:                 break
    ...:     return data

In [87]: def Bit(rows):
    ...:     data = [list(map(lambda x: '' if x is None else x, row)) for row in rows]
    ...:     data = [row[:max(i for i, e in enumerate(row, 1) if e is not '')] for row in data if set(row) != {''}]
    ...:     return data

In [88]: def taras(rows):
    ...:     # remove lists with all Nones
    ...:     rows1 = [row for row in rows if set(row) != {None}]
    ...:     # remove trailing Nones
    ...:     rows2 = [dropwhile(lambda x: x is None, reversed(row)) for row in rows1]
    ...:     # replace None with ''
    ...:     rows3 = [list(reversed([x if x is not None else '' for x in row])) for row in rows2]
    ...:     return rows3


In [89]: taras(test_set()) == new_to_coding(test_set())
Out[89]: True

In [90]: Bit(test_set()) == new_to_coding(test_set())
Out[90]: True

现在,一些时间设置。 @new_to_coding注意始终使用timeit模块创建基准。天真的time.time()方法忽略了许多细微之处,并且更加方便!

In [91]: from timeit import timeit

In [92]: setup = "from __main__ import new_to_coding, Bit, taras, test_set; testrows = test_set()"


In [93]: # using OP's method
    ...: timeit('new_to_coding(testrows)', setup, number=5)
Out[93]: 5.416837869910523

In [94]: # using `Bit`
    ...: timeit('Bit(testrows)', setup, number=5)
Out[94]: 14.52187539380975

In [95]: # using `taras`
    ...: timeit('taras(testrows)', setup, number=5)
Out[95]: 3.7361009169835597

所以,似乎增量方法获胜了!当然,数据的确切性质可能会改变这些相对时间。我怀疑"所有None"的比例行将影响这些方法的相对性能。 警告!结果证明这是真的!见编辑


In [111]: def is_None(x): return x is None
     ...: def taras_micro_op(rows, dropwhile=dropwhile, reversed=reversed, set=set, is_None=is_None):
     ...:     # remove lists with all Nones
     ...:     rows1 = (row for row in rows if set(row) != {None})
     ...:     # remove trailing Nones
     ...:     rows2 = (dropwhile(is_None, reversed(row)) for row in rows1)
     ...:     # replace None with ''
     ...:     rows3 = [[x if x is not None else '' for x in row][::-1] for row in rows2]
     ...:     return rows3

In [112]: taras_micro_op(test_set()) == taras(test_set())
Out[112]: True

In [113]: setup = "from __main__ import taras, taras_micro_op, test_set; testrows = test_set()"

In [114]: # using `taras`
     ...: timeit('taras(testrows)', setup, number=50)
Out[114]: 35.11660181987099

In [115]: # using `taras_micro_op`
     ...: timeit('taras_micro_op(testrows)', setup, number=50)
Out[115]: 33.70030225184746

In [116]: 33.70030225184746 / 35.11660181987099
Out[116]: 0.9596686611281929



In [117]: def taras_memory_op(rows):
     ...:     # remove lists with all Nones
     ...:     rows1 = (row for row in rows if set(row) != {None})
     ...:     # remove trailing Nones
     ...:     rows2 = (dropwhile(lambda x: x is None, reversed(row)) for row in rows1)
     ...:     # replace None with ''
     ...:     rows3 = [[x if x is not None else '' for x in row][::-1] for row in rows2]
     ...:     return rows3

In [118]: setup = "from __main__ import taras, taras_memory_op, test_set; testrows = test_set()"

In [119]: # using `taras`
     ...: timeit('taras(testrows)', setup, number=50)
Out[119]: 35.10479677491821

In [120]: # using `taras`
     ...: timeit('taras_memory_op(testrows)', setup, number=50)
Out[120]: 34.00812040804885

In [121]: 34.00812040804885/35.10479677491821
Out[121]: 0.9687599283396816




In [3]: q = ["string",None,"string",None,"string"] + [None] * 95
   ...: rows = [q.copy() for i in range(500000)]

In [4]: sum(len(r) for r in rows)
Out[4]: 50000000

注意,在我的原始测试集中,大约有33%"所有None"行。但是,在上面,没有行都是None 。这肯定会影响性能。

In [7]: def test_set(source=rows):
   ...:     return [list(r) for r in source]

In [8]: setup = "from __main__ import new_to_coding, taras_memory_op, test_set; testrows = test_set()"

In [9]: # using OP's method
   ...: timeit('new_to_coding(testrows)', setup, number=5)
Out[9]: 14.014577565016225

In [10]: # using `taras`
    ...: timeit('taras_memory_op(testrows)', setup, number=5)
Out[10]: 33.28037207596935


In [14]: def sanitize(rows):
    ...:     result = []
    ...:     for row in rows:
    ...:         tail = True
    ...:         maxidx = len(row) - 1
    ...:         for i, item in enumerate(reversed(row)):
    ...:             if item is None:
    ...:                 if tail:
    ...:                     row.pop()
    ...:                 else:
    ...:                     row[maxidx - i] = ''
    ...:             else:
    ...:                 tail = False
    ...:         if row:
    ...:             result.append(row)
    ...:     return result

In [15]: setup = "from __main__ import new_to_coding, taras_memory_op, sanitize, test_set; testrows = test_set()"

In [16]: # using `sanitize`
    ...: timeit('sanitize(testrows)', setup, number=5)
Out[16]: 8.261458976892754

In [17]: sanitize(test_set()) == new_to_coding(test_set())
Out[17]: True


In [18]: rows = [["row 1 index 0",None,"row 1 index 2",None,None],
    ...:         [None,"row 2 index 1",None,None,None],
    ...:         [None,None,None,None,None]]

In [19]:

In [19]: rows = [r*1000 for r in rows]

In [20]: rowsbig = [list(r) for _ in range(1000) for r in rows]

In [21]: rows = rowsbig

In [22]: del rowsbig

In [23]: def test_set(source=rows):
    ...:     return [list(r) for r in source]

In [24]: setup = "from __main__ import new_to_coding, taras_memory_op, sanitize, test_set; testrows = test_set()"

In [25]: # using `taras`
    ...: timeit('taras_memory_op(testrows)', setup, number=10)
Out[25]: 6.563127358909696

In [26]: # using OP's method
    ...: timeit('new_to_coding(testrows)', setup, number=10)
Out[26]: 10.173962660133839

In [27]: # using `sanitize`
    ...: timeit('sanitize(testrows)', setup, number=10)
Out[27]: 6.3629974271170795

答案 2 :(得分:1)


data = [list(map(lambda x: '' if x is None else x, row)) for row in rows]
data = [row[:max(i for i, e in enumerate(row, 1) if e is not '')] for row in data if set(row) != {''}]