
时间:2010-12-23 14:26:49

标签: c# string structlayout


using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace Demo
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            const string test = "ABCDEF"; // Strings are immutable, right?
            char[] chars = new StringToChar{str=test}.chr;
            chars[0] = 'X';

            // On an x32 release or debug build or on an x64 debug build, 
            // the following prints "XBCDEF".
            // On an x64 release build, it prints "ABXDEF".
            // In both cases, we have changed the contents of 'test' without using
            // any 'unsafe' code...


    public struct StringToChar
        public string str;
        public char[] chr;



[EDIT1:请注意,其他人已经为我尝试了这个,有些人会得到不同的结果 - 考虑到我正在做的事情,这并不太令人惊讶......)。

[EDIT2:请注意,我在Windows 7 Ultimate 64位上使用Visual Studio 2010]


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

clr / src / vm / class.cpp的SSCLI20源代码,MethodTableBuilder :: HandleExplicitLayout可以提供一些见解。它的评论非常重要,此评论描述了规则(为了便于阅读而编辑):

// go through each field and look for invalid layout
// (note that we are more permissive than what Ecma allows. We only disallow 
// the minimum set necessary to close security holes.)
// This is what we implement:
// 1. Verify that every OREF is on a valid alignment
// 2. Verify that OREFs only overlap with other OREFs.
// 3. If an OREF does overlap with another OREF, the class is marked unverifiable.
// 4. If an overlap of any kind occurs, the class will be marked NotTightlyPacked (affects ValueType.Equals()).


在没有 unsafe 关键字的情况下,它不是唯一能够搞砸字符串的方法。只需调用一个踩踏字符串的函数。它获取指向GC堆或加载器堆(内部字符串)上的字符串内容的指针,不进行复制。这也是无法验证的代码,在沙盒中运行时也是无法利用的。

推动归位:C#不安全的关键字与CLR认为可验证的内容完全无关,因此实际上是安全的代码。它使用指针或自定义值类型(固定)来处理明显的情况。这是否是C#语言规范的泄漏是值得商榷的。 Pinvoke是更明显的边缘情况。对操作系统功能进行调整非常安全。对某些第三方C库进行排名不是。


答案 1 :(得分:3)
