class Item_Project {
public statusAktive: boolean;
public ProjectName: string;
public ProjectNumber: number;
public static fromJSON(jsonObject: Object){
let t_Project: Item_Project = new Item_Project();
for(let index in jsonObject){
if(jsonObject[index] !== undefined && jsonObject[index] !== null) {
// i need a type check for t_Project[index] here
// typeof t_Project[index] returns the type of the value not the accepted type
t_Project[index] = Helper.getTrimmedValue(jsonObject[index]);
abstract class Helper {
public static getTrimmedValue(value): undefined|string|number|boolean {
// does some magic
是否可以检查t_Project [index]属性接受哪种类型转换为注释位置上的右属性?