我有一个1亿字符的文本文件,我正试图导入MS Access数据库。该文件没有任何换行符,因此它只是一个巨大的文本行。我尝试将其加载到字符串变量中但由于大小不起作用。然后我成功地将它加载到一个字节数组中,但我不确定如何以我需要的方式解析它。该文件具有固定长度的记录,但具有多种类型的记录。一种类型可以是180个字符的数据和220个字符的填充符,另一种类型可以是100个字符的数据和300个字符的填充符。我想将不同的记录类型分成不同的表格。我正在考虑将数据重写为400个字符块的新文本文件,然后可能使用Trim来获取我需要的数据而没有填充。从那里我可以测试行长度并导入。
Public Sub modMain_ParseAQTFiles()
Dim bytFile(400) As Byte
Dim intFileIn As Integer
Dim intFileOut As Integer
Dim intFileOut1 As Integer
Dim intFileOut2 As Integer
Dim intFFIn As Integer
Dim intFFOut As Integer
Dim lngBytePos As Long
Dim dblStartChar As Double
Dim lngNoRecs As Long
Dim lngIndex As Long
Dim strFileIn As String
Dim strFileOut1 As String
Dim strFileOut2 As String
Dim strLineOfText As String
Dim strTextLine As String
Dim strUserName As String
'Get username
strUserName = Environ("Username")
'Set file paths
strFileIn = "C:\Users\" & strUserName & "\Desktop\Pooltalk\aqt.txt"
strFileOut1 = "C:\Users\" & strUserName & "\ Desktop\Pooltalk\ AQT_Quartiles_Header-out.txt"
strFileOut2 = "C:\Users\" & strUserName & "\Desktop\Pooltalk \AQT_Quartiles_Detail-out.txt"
'Reads data into byte array
intFFIn = FreeFile
intFFOut = FreeFile
dblStartChar = 1
Open strFileIn For Binary Access Read As #intFFIn
lngNoRecs = LOF(intFFIn) / 400
For lngIndex = 1 To lngNoRecs
Get #intFFIn, dblStartChar, bytFile
strLineOfText = StrConv(bytFile, vbFromUnicode)
Open strFileOut For Binary Access Write As #intFFOut
Put intFFOut, dblStartChar, strLineOfText & vbCrLf
Debug.Print strLineOfText
dblStartChar = dblStartChar + 400
Next lngIndex
Close #intFFIn
Close #intFFOut
End Sub
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Public Sub modMain_ParseAQTFiles()
Dim intFileIn As Integer
Dim intFileOut1 As Integer
Dim intFFIn As Integer
Dim intFFOut As Integer
Dim lngNoRecs As Long
Dim lngIndex As Long
Dim strFileIn As String
Dim strFileOut1 As String
Dim strUserName As String
Dim strRecord As String
Dim dblStartChar As Double
Dim lngCharNo As Long
strUserName = Environ("Username")
'Set file paths
strFileIn = "C:\Users\" & strUserName & "\Desktop\Pooltalk\aqt.txt"
strFileOut1 = "C:\Users\" & strUserName & "\Desktop\Pooltalk\AQT_Parsed.txt"
strRecord = Space$(400)
dblStartChar = 1
'Reads data into byte array
intFFIn = FreeFile
Open strFileIn For Binary Access Read As #intFFIn
intFFOut = FreeFile
Open strFileOut1 For Binary Access Write As #intFFOut
'Find number of records
lngNoRecs = LOF(intFFIn) / 400
For lngIndex = 1 To lngNoRecs
Get #intFFIn, dblStartChar, strRecord
strRecord = Trim(strRecord)
Put intFFOut, , strRecord & vbCrLf
dblStartChar = dblStartChar + 400
strRecord = Space$(400)
Next lngIndex
Close #intFFIn
Close #intFFOut
MsgBox "Done!"
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:0)
Dim strRecord As String
Dim x As Long
' Get reads as many characters as are in the target variable
strRecord = Space$(400)
Get #intFFIn, dblStartChar, strRecord
' Find first 0-byte character
x = Instr(strRecord, Chr$(0))
' and trim off the fillers
strRecord = Left$(strRecord, x-1)