
时间:2017-07-17 14:03:55

标签: ios swift segue


class SegueFromRight: UIStoryboardSegue{
    override func perform() {
        // Assign the source and destination views to local variables.
        let src = self.source.view as UIView!
        let dst = self.destination.view as UIView!

        // Get the screen width and height.
        let screenWidth = UIScreen.main.bounds.size.width
        let screenHeight = UIScreen.main.bounds.size.height

        // Specify the initial position of the destination view.
        dst?.frame = CGRect(0.0, screenHeight, screenWidth, screenHeight)

        // Access the app's key window and insert the destination view above the current (source) one.
        let window = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow
        window?.insertSubview(dst!, aboveSubview: src!)

        // Animate the transition.
        UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.4, animations: { () -> Void in
            src?.frame = (src?.frame.offsetBy(dx: -screenWidth, dy: 0.0))!
            dst?.frame = (dst?.frame.offsetBy(dx: -screenWidth, dy: 0.0))!

        }) { (Finished) -> Void in
            self.source.present(self.destination as UIViewController,
                                                            animated: false,
                                                            completion: nil)


segue完美无缺,但动画不是我喜欢的方式。当它推动"目标视图控制器,它显示为黑色。一旦动画结束,它只会转向实际的视图控制器。我想这是因为只有动画结束后才会加载新的视图控制器。但是我如何预加载新的视图控制器,以便动画看起来流畅? 展开segue不显示黑色动画,因为目标视图控制器(先前的源视图控制器)当然已经加载。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

这可能是您的问题dst?.frame = CGRect(screenWidth, 0.0, screenWidth, screenHeight)

