PHP反射 - 获取方法参数类型为字符串

时间:2010-12-22 21:22:23

标签: php reflection



class ExampleController
    public function PostMaterial(SteelSlugModel $model)


//Target the first parameter, as an example
$param = new ReflectionParameter(array('ExampleController', 'PostMaterial'), 0);

//Echo the type of the parameter
echo $param->getClass()->name;

这是有效的,输出将是'SteelSlugModel',正如预期的那样。但是,有可能模型的类文件可能尚未加载,并且使用getClass()要求定义类 - 为什么我这样做的一部分是自动加载控制器操作可能需要的任何模型


6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)


class MyClass {

    function __construct(AnotherClass $requiredParameter, YetAnotherClass $optionalParameter = null) {


$reflector = new ReflectionClass("MyClass");

foreach ($reflector->getConstructor()->getParameters() as $param) {
    // param name

    // param type hint (or null, if not specified).

    // finds out if the param is required or optional

答案 1 :(得分:9)


$refParam = new ReflectionParameter(array('Foo', 'Bar'), 0);

$export = ReflectionParameter::export(

$type = preg_replace('/.*?(\w+)\s+\$'.$refParam->name.'.*/', '\\1', $export);
echo $type;

答案 2 :(得分:4)

您可以使用Zend Framework 2.

$method_reflection = new \Zend\Code\Reflection\MethodReflection( 'class', 'method' );

foreach( $method_reflection->getParameters() as $reflection_parameter )
  $type = $reflection_parameter->getType();

答案 3 :(得分:2)

从PHP 7.0开始,可以使用


class Foo {}
class Bar {}

class MyClass
    public function baz(Foo $foo, Bar $bar) {}

$class = new ReflectionClass('MyClass');
$method = $class->getMethod('baz');
$params = $method->getParameters();

    'Foo' === (string) $params[0]->getType()

答案 4 :(得分:1)

当没有加载类时,我在反射参数上检查getClass时遇到了类似的问题。我创建了一个包装函数来从示例netcoder中获取类名。问题是如果netcoder代码是一个数组或不是一个类,那么netcoder代码就不起作用了 - &gt; function($ test){}它将返回反射参数的字符串方法。

在我如何解决它的方式下,我使用try catch,因为我的代码在某些时候需要类。所以,如果我下次请求它,让类工作,并没有抛出异常。

 * Because it could be that reflection parameter ->getClass() will try to load an class that isnt included yet
 * It could thrown an Exception, the way to find out what the class name is by parsing the reflection parameter
 * God knows why they didn't add getClassName() on reflection parameter.
 * @param ReflectionParameter $reflectionParameter
 * @return string Class Name
public function ResolveParameterClassName(ReflectionParameter $reflectionParameter)
    $className = null;

                 // first try it on the normal way if the class is loaded then everything should go ok
        $className = $reflectionParameter->getClass()->name;

    // if the class isnt loaded it throws an exception and try to resolve it the ugly way
    catch (Exception $exception)
        if ($reflectionParameter->isArray())
            return null;

        $reflectionString = $reflectionParameter->__toString();
        $searchPattern = '/^Parameter \#' . $reflectionParameter->getPosition() . ' \[ \<required\> ([A-Za-z]+) \$' . $reflectionParameter->getName() . ' \]$/';

        $matchResult = preg_match($searchPattern, $reflectionString, $matches);

        if (!$matchResult)
            return null;

        $className = array_pop($matches);

    return $className;

答案 5 :(得分:0)

这是一个比that answer更好的正则表达式。即使参数是可选的,它也会起作用。

preg_match('~>\s+([a-z]+)\s+~', (string)$ReflectionParameter, $result);
$type = $result[1];