我最初的问题是我想要一种方法来区分我在vi模式下使用bash时是处于vi-command模式还是vi-insert模式。据我所知,从GNU readline 7.0开始,有一种方法可以在命令提示符中设置一个指标;但是,我想要的是更改光标的形状(即在插入模式下为垂直线,在命令模式下为实体块)。
注意: 我已经尝试将以下内容放在我的.inputrc中,这样做了,但是在命令模式下回到行尾时会引起一些问题,所以我总结了这不是一个好的选择。
set show-mode-in-prompt on
set vi-cmd-mode-string "\e[2 q"
set vi-ins-mode-string "\e[6 q"
我遇到了一篇由同样问题的人撰写的文章,并最终决定自己修补GNU readline库,链接如下:
http://blog.mkoskar.com/2010/10/gnu-readline-vi-mode-visualization.html http://blog.mkoskar.com/2010/11/gnu-readline-vi-mode-visualization-2.html
1)已修补的库文件(静态和动态)位于我的计算机上 $ HOME / .local / lib / 。
2)我确定的原始库文件(仅动态)位于 / lib / x86_64-linux-gnu / 。
即使安装了修补版本并且我的LD_LIBRARY_PATH变量设置正确,Bash似乎仍然没有使用我修补的GNU readline库。我想知道我做错了什么?
vi-cmd-mode-string ((cmd))
This string is displayed immediately before the last line of the primary prompt when vi editing mode is active and in command mode. The value is expanded like a key binding, so the
standard set of meta- and control prefixes and backslash escape sequences is available. Use the \1 and \2 escapes to begin and end sequences of non-printing characters, which can be
used to embed a terminal control sequence into the mode string.
vi-ins-mode-string ((ins))
This string is displayed immediately before the last line of the primary prompt when vi editing mode is active and in insertion mode. The value is expanded like a key binding, so the
standard set of meta- and control prefixes and backslash escape sequences is available. Use the \1 and \2 escapes to begin and end sequences of non-printing characters, which can be
used to embed a terminal control sequence into the mode string.
关于 \ 1 和 \ 2 逃脱的部分是重要的事情......
set show-mode-in-prompt on
set vi-cmd-mode-string "\1\e[2 q\2"
set vi-ins-mode-string "\1\e[6 q\2"