
时间:2017-07-14 19:42:03

标签: r rcharts sankey-diagram




Sankey with nodes not in order


g <- graph.data.frame(network.df[ , c("source","target","weight")])  
edgelist <- get.data.frame(g)    
colnames(edgelist) <- c("source","target","value")  
edgelist$source <- as.character(edgelist$source)  
edgelist$target <- as.character(edgelist$target)  
edgelist #<-edgelist is sorted by source
   source target value 
1  2012-0 2013-0     5 
2  2012-0 2013-1    21 
3  2012-1 2013-1    79 
4  2013-0 2014-0    42 
5  2013-0 2014-1    10 
6  2013-0 2014-2    13 
7  2013-0 2014-3    19 
8  2013-0 2014-4    12 
9  2013-0 2014-5     1 
10 2013-1 2014-0    29 
11 2013-1 2014-1    29 
12 2013-1 2014-2    23 
13 2013-1 2014-3    54 
14 2013-1 2014-4    17 
15 2014-0 2015-0     2 
16 2014-0 2015-1     8   
17 2014-0 2015-2     1    
18 2014-0 2015-3     1  
19 2014-0 2015-4     9  
20 2014-1 2015-0     5  
21 2014-1 2015-1    13  
22 2014-1 2015-2    68  
23 2014-1 2015-3     7  
24 2014-1 2015-4    66  
25 2014-2 2015-0     9  
26 2014-2 2015-2    23  
27 2014-2 2015-3    21  
28 2014-3 2015-3    56  
29 2014-4 2015-4     2  
30 2014-5 2015-5     1  
31 2015-0 2016-0     1  
32 2015-0 2016-1     1  
33 2015-0 2016-2     4  
<more rows omitted>
sankeyPlot <- rCharts$new()
sankeyPlot$setTemplate(script = "rCharts_d3_sankey-gh-

Sankey with ordered nodes

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