def rcp_poll_data(xml):
#first lets get a beautifulsoup object so that we can manipulate the data
soup = BeautifulSoup(xml, 'html.parser')
#test to see that our soup object is working..
print type(soup)
print soup.prettify()
#declare the dictionary to hold all the different columns (that will eventually be changed to a dataframe)
finalResult = {}
#working dictionary version
my_date_dict = {series.attrs["xid"]: series.get_text() for series in soup.find("series").find_all("value") if soup.value.get_text()}
#convert the dictionary into a pandas dataframe. But first we need the keys to access each element
keys = my_date_dict.keys()
#then interate through each item in the dictionary to insert it into the dataframe using the appropriate key
finalResult['date'] = pd.to_datetime([my_date_dict[k] for k in keys])
for item in soup.find_all("graph"):
print "found a graph tag!"
print"creating a dict entry..."
name = item.attrs["title"]
tempdict = {}
tempdict = {item.value.attrs["xid"]: test.get_text() for test in soup.find("graph").find_all("value") if soup.value.get_text()}
print tempdict
finalResult[name] = [tempdict[k] for k in keys]
return result
static class SettingsModel
static public string ModelFolder { set; get; }