push offset msg ; put in to stack the effective addr of msg
call StdOut ; call console display API
push 100 ; set the maximum input character
push offset buffer ; put in to stack the effective addr of input storage
call StdIn ; call console input API
push offset input ; put in to stack the effective addr of msg2
call StdOut ; call console display API
push offset buffer ; put in to stack the effective addr of input storage
call compare
lea edx, [buffer]
mov al, byte ptr [edx]
cmp al,'/'
jle notNumber
cmp al, 'a'
jb notNumber
cmp al, 'z'
ja notNumber
cmp al,':'
jge notNumber
cmp al,30h
jge aNumber
push offset aNum
call StdOut
call exit
push offset notNum
call StdOut
call exit
end getNumber