r - 负值的长度和总和

时间:2017-07-12 12:17:24

标签: r


    structure(list(FIPS = c(19045, 48157, 20045, 20027), Year = c(2003, 
2004, 2005, 2005), pdsi_2002.01.15 = c(1.46, 4.38, 0.38, -1.41
), pdsi_2002.02.15 = c(1.6, 3.63, -0.05, -1.66), pdsi_2002.03.15 = c(1.32, 
3, -0.62, -1.93), pdsi_2002.04.15 = c(1.81, 2.68, 0.66, -1.88
), pdsi_2002.05.15 = c(2.03, 1.86, 1.26, -1.7), pdsi_2002.06.15 = c(2.51, 
1.74, -0.5, -2.94), pdsi_2002.07.15 = c(2.79, 1.94, -1.47, -3.82
), pdsi_2002.08.15 = c(3.06, 2.64, -1.99, -4.09), pdsi_2002.09.15 = c(2.08, 
3.02, -2.82, -4.87), pdsi_2002.10.15 = c(2.68, 4.73, -2.02, -3.01
), pdsi_2002.11.15 = c(2, 5.28, -2.55, -3.22), pdsi_2002.12.15 = c(1.55, 
5.94, -3.23, -3.52), pdsi_2003.01.15 = c(0.96, 5.39, -3.58, -3.51
), pdsi_2003.02.15 = c(0.29, 5.24, -3.54, -3.29), pdsi_2003.03.15 = c(-0.15, 
4.41, -3.77, -3.15), pdsi_2003.04.15 = c(-1.13, 3.39, -3.33, 
-2.46), pdsi_2003.05.15 = c(-1.05, 1.91, -3.47, -2.63), pdsi_2003.06.15 = c(-1.5, 
1.45, -2.94, -2.34), pdsi_2003.07.15 = c(-0.85, 1.69, -3.42, 
-3.02), pdsi_2003.08.15 = c(-1.78, 1.48, -2.75, -3.13), pdsi_2003.09.15 = c(-1.55, 
2.31, -2.66, -2.85), pdsi_2003.10.15 = c(-1.87, 2.5, -2.99, -3.16
), pdsi_2003.11.15 = c(-1.19, 2.72, -3.39, -2.73), pdsi_2003.12.15 = c(0.09, 
2.67, -2.96, -2.63), pdsi_2004.01.15 = c(-0.2, 3.2, -2.83, -2.42
), pdsi_2004.02.15 = c(0.07, 3.73, -2.78, -2.21), pdsi_2004.03.15 = c(1.58, 
3.04, -1.66, -0.77), pdsi_2004.04.15 = c(0.37, 3.19, -2, -1.25
), pdsi_2004.05.15 = c(1.7, 3.71, -1.35, -1.41), pdsi_2004.06.15 = c(1.53, 
5.21, -0.84, -1.04), pdsi_2004.07.15 = c(1.14, 4.84, 2.08, 0.93
), pdsi_2004.08.15 = c(1.4, 4.41, 3.22, 0.24), pdsi_2004.09.15 = c(-0.43, 
3.27, 2.39, -0.44), pdsi_2004.10.15 = c(0.77, 2.77, 2.49, -1.11
), pdsi_2004.11.15 = c(0.94, 4.95, 2.94, -1.03), pdsi_2004.12.15 = c(0.62, 
4.41, 2.67, -1.43), pdsi_2005.01.15 = c(1.51, 3.93, 3.55, -1.05
), pdsi_2005.02.15 = c(1.45, 4.54, 3.83, 0.71), pdsi_2005.03.15 = c(0.58, 
4.31, 3.01, 0.24), pdsi_2005.04.15 = c(-0.97, 3.36, 1.97, 0.94
), pdsi_2005.05.15 = c(-1.57, 3.12, 1.54, -0.33), pdsi_2005.06.15 = c(-2.65, 
2.02, 2.33, 1.16), pdsi_2005.07.15 = c(-3.58, 2.07, 2.31, 1.08
), pdsi_2005.08.15 = c(-3.51, 1.56, 3.7, 1.72), pdsi_2005.09.15 = c(-3.96, 
-0.71, 3.62, 0.74), pdsi_2005.10.15 = c(-4.77, -2.13, 3.79, 0.96
), pdsi_2005.11.15 = c(-5.08, -2.32, 3.4, 0.53), pdsi_2005.12.15 = c(-5.63, 
-2.57, 3.27, -0.22)), .Names = c("FIPS", "Year", "pdsi_2002.01.15", 
"pdsi_2002.02.15", "pdsi_2002.03.15", "pdsi_2002.04.15", "pdsi_2002.05.15", 
"pdsi_2002.06.15", "pdsi_2002.07.15", "pdsi_2002.08.15", "pdsi_2002.09.15", 
"pdsi_2002.10.15", "pdsi_2002.11.15", "pdsi_2002.12.15", "pdsi_2003.01.15", 
"pdsi_2003.02.15", "pdsi_2003.03.15", "pdsi_2003.04.15", "pdsi_2003.05.15", 
"pdsi_2003.06.15", "pdsi_2003.07.15", "pdsi_2003.08.15", "pdsi_2003.09.15", 
"pdsi_2003.10.15", "pdsi_2003.11.15", "pdsi_2003.12.15", "pdsi_2004.01.15", 
"pdsi_2004.02.15", "pdsi_2004.03.15", "pdsi_2004.04.15", "pdsi_2004.05.15", 
"pdsi_2004.06.15", "pdsi_2004.07.15", "pdsi_2004.08.15", "pdsi_2004.09.15", 
"pdsi_2004.10.15", "pdsi_2004.11.15", "pdsi_2004.12.15", "pdsi_2005.01.15", 
"pdsi_2005.02.15", "pdsi_2005.03.15", "pdsi_2005.04.15", "pdsi_2005.05.15", 
"pdsi_2005.06.15", "pdsi_2005.07.15", "pdsi_2005.08.15", "pdsi_2005.09.15", 
"pdsi_2005.10.15", "pdsi_2005.11.15", "pdsi_2005.12.15"), row.names = c(13222L, 
18125L, 19543L, 19534L), class = "data.frame")



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



select.order <- colnames(drought_data)[3:length(colnames(drought_data))]

drought_data <- drought_data %>% 
                # Gather data by date
                gather(key = date, value = value, -Year, -FIPS) %>% 
                # Separate date into separate columns
                separate(date, into = c("yr","month", "day"), sep = "\\.") %>% 
                # Extract year
                mutate(yr = substr(yr, 6, 9)) %>%
                # Sort data by FIPS number, year, month
                arrange(FIPS, yr, month) %>%
                # Group data by FIPS number, focal year, and data year
                group_by(FIPS, Year, yr) %>%
                # Generate a run number for each run of negative numbers for the focal year
                mutate(run.num = ifelse(Year == yr,
                                 {run.num = rle(ifelse(value < 0, 1, 0)) 
                                  rep(ifelse(run.num$values == 1, cumsum(run.num$values), 0), run.num$lengths)}, NA),
                       # Set run.num to -1 for positive values
                       run.num = ifelse(value >= 0, -1, run.num)) %>%
                # Sort data by FIPS number, descending year, and descending month
                arrange(FIPS, desc(yr), desc(month)) %>%
                # Group data by FIPS number and focal year
                group_by(FIPS, Year) %>%
                # Fill out the run numbers for each run to cross data years
                fill(run.num, .direction = "down") %>%
                # Convert all -1 run numbers (Which indicate positive values) to zero
                mutate(run.num = ifelse(run.num == -1, 0, run.num),
                       # Set run.num for negative values that did not qualify as a run for the specified year to 0
                       run.num = ifelse(is.na(run.num), 0, run.num)) %>%
                ungroup %>%
                # mutate(run.num = ifelse(is.na(run.num, 0, run.num))) %>%
                # Group data by FIPS number, focal year, and run number
                group_by(FIPS, Year, run.num) %>%
                # Calculate the length, sum, and rate of each run
                mutate(run.length = ifelse(run.num == 0, 0, n()),
                       run.sum = ifelse(run.num == 0, 0, sum(value)),
                       run.rate = ifelse(run.num == 0, 0, run.sum/run.length)) %>%
                # Group by FIPS number and focal year
                group_by(FIPS, Year) %>%
                # Calculate the mean run length, and mean run sum for the focal year of each FIPS number
                mutate(mean.run.length = sum(ifelse(run.num == 0, 0, 1)) / max(run.num),
                       mean.run.length = ifelse(is.nan(mean.run.length), 0, mean.run.length),
                       mean.run.sum = sum(ifelse(run.num == 0, 0, value) / max(run.num)),
                       mean.run.sum = ifelse(is.nan(mean.run.sum), 0, mean.run.sum)) %>%
                # Combine date parts back to single column
                unite(dt, yr:day, sep = ".") %>% 
                # Recreate the pdsi_ label format on the date column
                mutate(dt = paste0("pdsi_", dt)) %>%
                # Drop the run.sum column
                select(-run.sum) %>% 
                # Spread the data back to a wide view to eliminate duplicate run.rate values
                spread(dt, value) %>% 
                # Group data by FIPS number and focal year
                group_by(FIPS, Year) %>% 
                # Calculate the mean of the sum of run rates over the number of runs
                mutate(mean.run.sum.length = sum(run.rate) / max(run.num),
                       mean.run.sum.length = ifelse(is.nan(mean.run.sum.length), 0, mean.run.sum.length)) %>% 
                # Remove grouping
                ungroup %>% 
                # Drop the run.num, run.length, and run.rate columns 
                select(-run.num, -run.length, -run.rate) %>% 
                # Gather the data into tall view to remove duplicates and NA values
                gather_("dt", "value", select.order, na.rm = TRUE) %>% 
                # Spread data back to wide view
                spread(dt, value)

# Change the column order
drought_data <- drought_data[,c("FIPS","Year","mean.run.length","mean.run.sum","mean.run.sum.length", select.order)]


> drought_data[,c("FIPS","Year","mean.run.length","mean.run.sum","mean.run.sum.length")]
# A tibble: 4 x 5
   FIPS  Year mean.run.length mean.run.sum mean.run.sum.length
  <dbl> <dbl>           <dbl>        <dbl>               <dbl>
1 19045  2003        9.000000       -11.07          -1.2300000
2 20027  2005        2.333333        -1.87          -0.5206667
3 20045  2005        0.000000         0.00           0.0000000
4 48157  2004        0.000000         0.00           0.0000000

答案 1 :(得分:0)


在我看来,以不同的,整洁的格式提供数据是有帮助的,其中每一行是在单独的焦点年度中的每月观察。 (顺便说一下,我不确定为什么focal_ years列都是2001。根据您的数据描述,它不应​​该是单独的年份吗?)


drought_data_tidy <- drought_data %>% 
  gather(key, value, -FIPS, -Year) %>% 


> head(drought_data_tidy)
  FIPS Year             key value
1 8019 2005 pdsi_2002.01.15 -1.73
2 8019 2005 pdsi_2002.02.15 -2.04
3 8019 2005 pdsi_2002.03.15 -2.44
4 8019 2005 pdsi_2002.04.15 -3.55
5 8019 2005 pdsi_2002.05.15 -3.84
6 8019 2005 pdsi_2002.06.15 -4.42


drought_data_tidy <- drought_data_tidy %>% 
  group_by(FIPS) %>% 
  mutate(run_id = cumsum(c(TRUE, diff(value < 0) != 0)), 
         run_id = ifelse(value < 0, run_id, NA))



# run length
drought_data_run_length <- drought_data_tidy %>% 
  group_by(FIPS, run_id) %>% 
  summarize(run_length = n()) %>%  
  mutate(mean_run_length = mean(run_length[!is.na(run_id)]))

# mean run length for join
drought_data_mean_run_length <- drought_data_run_length %>% 
  group_by(FIPS) %>% 
  summarise(mean_run_length = unique(mean_run_length))

# run sum
drought_data_tidy <- drought_data_tidy %>% 
  group_by(FIPS, run_id) %>% 
  mutate(run_sum = sum(value))

# mean run sum
drought_data_mean_run_sum <- drought_data_tidy %>% 
  group_by(FIPS) %>%
  summarise(mean_run_sum = mean(run_sum[!is.na(run_id)]))

# mean run sum by mean run length
drought_data_mrs_by_mrl <- left_join(drought_data_mean_run_sum, 
                                     by = "FIPS") %>% 
  mutate(mrs_by_mrl = mean(mean_run_sum / mean_run_length))

# join run length, mean run length, mean run sum, mrs_by_mrl

drought_data_tidy <- left_join(drought_data_tidy, 
                               drought_data_run_length %>% select(-mean_run_length), 
                               by = c("FIPS", "run_id"))

drought_data_tidy <- left_join(drought_data_tidy, 
                               drought_data_mean_run_length %>% select(FIPS, mean_run_length), 
                               by = "FIPS")

drought_data_tidy <- left_join(drought_data_tidy, 
                               drought_data_mean_run_sum %>% select(FIPS, mean_run_sum), 
                               by = "FIPS")

drought_data_tidy <- left_join(drought_data_tidy, 
                               drought_data_mrs_by_mrl %>% select(FIPS, mrs_by_mrl), 
                               by = "FIPS")


> head(drought_data_tidy)
Source: local data frame [6 x 10]
Groups: FIPS, run_id [1]

   FIPS  Year             key value run_id run_sum run_length mean_run_length mean_run_sum mrs_by_mrl
  <dbl> <dbl>           <chr> <dbl>  <int>   <dbl>      <int>           <dbl>        <dbl>      <dbl>
1  8019  2005 pdsi_2002.01.15 -1.73      1  -49.33         14               9    -33.54481  -3.542602
2  8019  2005 pdsi_2002.02.15 -2.04      1  -49.33         14               9    -33.54481  -3.542602
3  8019  2005 pdsi_2002.03.15 -2.44      1  -49.33         14               9    -33.54481  -3.542602
4  8019  2005 pdsi_2002.04.15 -3.55      1  -49.33         14               9    -33.54481  -3.542602
5  8019  2005 pdsi_2002.05.15 -3.84      1  -49.33         14               9    -33.54481  -3.542602
6  8019  2005 pdsi_2002.06.15 -4.42      1  -49.33         14               9    -33.54481  -3.542602

