我想知道maven-bundle-plugin如何从重复的Export-Packages包解析版本,以下是来自mvn -X debug输出,看起来插件正在使用找到的第一个包中的版本。
----------------------------------------------- ------------------------
[DEBUG] BND Classpath:
----------------------------------------------- ------------------------
-classpath:\ D:\ dev \ m3repo \ io \ dropwizard \ metrics \ metrics-core \ 3.1.2 \ metrics-core-3.1.2.jar,\ d:\ dev的\ m3repo \ COM \ codahale \度量\度量核\ 3.0.2 \度量核-3.0.2.jar
----------------------------------------------- ------------------------
MANIFEST.MF(io \ dropwizard \ metrics \ metrics-core \ 3.1.2 \ metrics-core-3.1.2.jar)
sudo debootstrap xenial xenial > /dev/null
sudo tar -C xenial -c . | sudo docker import - xenial
sudo docker run xenial cat /etc/lsb-release
MANIFEST.MF(com \ codahale \ metrics \ metrics-core \ 3.0.2 \ metrics-core-3.0.2.jar)
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bnd-LastModified: 1430020731305
Build-Jdk: 1.8.0_05
Built-By: ryantenney
Bundle-Description: Metrics is a Java library which gives you unparallel ed insight into what your code does in production. Metrics provi des a powerful toolkit of ways to measure the behavior of critical
components in your production environment.
Bundle-License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: Metrics Core
Bundle-SymbolicName: io.dropwizard.metrics.core
Bundle-Version: 3.1.2
Created-By: Apache Maven Bundle Plugin
Export-Package: com.codahale.metrics;uses:="org.slf4j,javax.management,sun.misc";version="3.1.2"
Implementation-Title: Metrics Core
Implementation-Vendor-Id: io.dropwizard.metrics
Implementation-Version: 3.1.2
Import-Package: javax.management,org.slf4j;version="[1.6.0,2.0.0)",sun.m isc;resolution:=optional
Tool: Bnd-1.50.0
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bnd-LastModified: 1392597083041
Build-Jdk: 1.7.0_51
Built-By: coda
Bundle-Description: Metrics is a Java library which gives you unparallel ed insight into what your code does in production. Metrics provi des a powerful toolkit of ways to measure the behavior of critical
components in your production environment.
Bundle-License: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: Metrics Core
Bundle-SymbolicName: com.codahale.metrics.core
Bundle-Version: 3.0.2
Created-By: Apache Maven Bundle Plugin
Export-Package: com.codahale.metrics;uses:="org.slf4j,javax.management,s un.misc";version="3.0.2"
Implementation-Title: Metrics Core
Implementation-Vendor-Id: com.codahale.metrics
Implementation-Version: 3.0.2
Import-Package: javax.management,org.slf4j;version="[1.6.0,2.0.0)",sun.m isc;resolution:=optional
Tool: Bnd-1.50.0
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