这是我已经工作了一年多的大规模数据清理任务的第三个也是最后一个问题。感谢Stack Overflow社区帮助解决问题:
问题1- Index multiple columns and Match distinct values...。
问题2- Count unique values that match ID, optimized for 100,000+ cases。
任务摘要:需要完成的是一系列匹配函数,它们搜索所有索引列(在本例中为A列到L列)以标识唯一值(例如1),搜索范围内的值(在本例中为A2:L21范围),识别唯一值的相邻值(对于值1,相邻值为2和13-XR),然后以最常发生的降序输出它们在包含任何有问题的值的每一行中最不经常出现的值(在这种情况下,1发生5次,放在M2到M6; 2发生3次,放在N2到N6; 13-XR发生2次,置于O2至O6)。
上面的图像是VBA解决方案将识别的第一个模式。它会识别" 1"作为一个唯一值,并通过A:L范围搜索" 1" (以蓝色突出显示),然后识别在同一行中可以找到的所有值:" 2"在第3,第5和第6行(以绿色突出显示);和" 13-XR"在第4行和第5行(以粉色突出显示)。然后需要对" 2"进行识别相邻值(" 1"" 13-XR"),然后对" 13-XR",识别(" 1"和" 2"作为相邻值)。输出将返回M列中最常出现的唯一值(" 1"出现5次),然后第二次出现在列N中(" 2"出现3次) ,第三个出现在O列(" 13-XR"出现2次)。
以上情况稍微复杂一些。 VBA将识别" 3"作为唯一值,搜索A:L范围以用于" 3"并识别与其相邻的所有值(在这种情况下," 4"," 7"和" 9")。然后它会对" 4"执行相同的操作,识别所有相邻的值(仅#34; 3");然后为" 7",识别相邻的值(" 9"," 3"和" 12");那么" 9"识别(" 7"和" 3");最后,对于" 12"识别相邻值(仅#34; 7")。然后对于存在任何这些值的每一行,输出将返回" 3"在M列(发生三次)和一次" 7"在N栏(也出现三次);如果计数相等,它们可以以递增的方式呈现给A或Z或从最小到最大...或者只是随机的,对于我的目的,相等计数的排序是任意的。 " 9"将在O列中返回,因为它出现两次,然后" 4"在P栏和" 12"在Q列中,因为它们都出现一次,但是12次大于4.
上面的图像表示可能是常见事件,其中只有一个唯一值。在这里," 5"未在范围内的任何其他列中标识。因此返回为" 5"在M列中,每一行都有一个" 5"在场。
这将是另一种更常见的事件,其中一行中可能存在一个值而另一行中存在两个值。在这种情况下" 6"仅在该范围内识别一次并且" 8"是找到的唯一相邻值。什么时候" 8"搜索它只返回一个相邻值的实例" 6"。在这里," 8"发生两次" 6"只有一次,从而导致" 8"在M栏和" 6"无论在哪里" 8"或者" 6"在行中出现。
此处" 10"," 111"," 112"," 543"," 433",& #34; 444"和" 42-FG"被识别为在A:L范围内彼此相关的唯一值。除" 10"之外的所有值发生两次,在M到S列中按降序返回。
这个最终模式以与上面相同的方式识别,只有更多的唯一值(n = 10)。
完整数据集发生内存错误。 @ambie发现错误的来源是1000s内相邻的链(结果)编号(试图在1000列中返回结果)。似乎问题不在于解决方案或数据,只是在excel中达到了限制。一个可能的解决方案是(见下图)添加两个新列(ATT_COUNT作为列M; ATT_ALL作为列Z)。 M列中的ATT_COUNT将返回通常在列之间返回的唯一值的总数。在N到Y列(ATT_1_CL到ATT_12_CL)中仅返回最常出现的前12个值。要绕过ATT_COUNT>的实例。 12(以及1000以上),我们可以在ATT_ALL(列Z)中以空格分隔格式返回所有唯一值。例如,在下图中,行17,18,19和21在链中具有17个唯一值。只有前12个最常出现的值显示在N到Y列中。所有17个值在Z列中以空格分隔格式显示。
这是a link to this mini example test data。
答案 0 :(得分:2)
属性轻松进行值映射。为了使编码易于阅读,我创建了一个包含一些字段的类。首先,插入一个类模块并将其命名为 cItem 。这个类背后的代码是:
Option Explicit
Public Element As String
Public Frq As Long
Public AdjIndex As Long
Public Adjs As Collection
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set Adjs = New Collection
End Sub
Dim data As Variant, adj As Variant
Dim uniques As Collection, chains As Collection, chain As Collection
Dim oItem As cItem, oAdj As cItem
Dim r As Long, c As Long, n As Long, i As Long, maxChain As Long
Dim output() As Variant
'Read the data.
'Note: Define range as you need.
With Sheet1
data = .Range(.Cells(2, "A"), _
.Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)) _
.Resize(, 12) _
End With
'Find the unique values
Set uniques = New Collection
For r = 1 To UBound(data, 1)
For c = 1 To UBound(data, 2)
If IsEmpty(data(r, c)) Then Exit For
Set oItem = Nothing: On Error Resume Next
Set oItem = uniques(CStr(data(r, c))): On Error GoTo 0
If oItem Is Nothing Then
Set oItem = New cItem
oItem.Element = CStr(data(r, c))
uniques.Add oItem, oItem.Element
End If
oItem.Frq = oItem.Frq + 1
'Find the left adjacent value
If c > 1 Then
On Error Resume Next
oItem.Adjs.Add uniques(CStr(data(r, c - 1))), CStr(data(r, c - 1))
On Error GoTo 0
End If
'Find the right adjacent value
If c < UBound(data, 2) Then
If Not IsEmpty(data(r, c + 1)) Then
On Error Resume Next
oItem.Adjs.Add uniques(CStr(data(r, c + 1))), CStr(data(r, c + 1))
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End If
'Define the adjacent indexes.
For Each oItem In uniques
'If the item has a chain index, pass it to the adjacents.
If oItem.AdjIndex <> 0 Then
For Each oAdj In oItem.Adjs
oAdj.AdjIndex = oItem.AdjIndex
'If an adjacent has a chain index, pass it to the item.
i = 0
For Each oAdj In oItem.Adjs
If oAdj.AdjIndex <> 0 Then
i = oAdj.AdjIndex
Exit For
End If
If i <> 0 Then
oItem.AdjIndex = i
For Each oAdj In oItem.Adjs
oAdj.AdjIndex = i
End If
'If we're still missing a chain index, create a new one.
If oItem.AdjIndex = 0 Then
n = n + 1
oItem.AdjIndex = n
For Each oAdj In oItem.Adjs
oAdj.AdjIndex = n
End If
End If
'Populate the chain lists.
Set chains = New Collection
For Each oItem In uniques
Set chain = Nothing: On Error Resume Next
Set chain = chains(CStr(oItem.AdjIndex)): On Error GoTo 0
If chain Is Nothing Then
'It's a new chain so create a new collection.
Set chain = New Collection
chain.Add oItem.Element, CStr(oItem.Element)
chains.Add chain, CStr(oItem.AdjIndex)
'It's an existing chain, so find the frequency position (highest first).
Set oAdj = uniques(chain(chain.Count))
If oItem.Frq <= oAdj.Frq Then
chain.Add oItem.Element, CStr(oItem.Element)
For Each adj In chain
Set oAdj = uniques(adj)
If oItem.Frq > oAdj.Frq Then
chain.Add Item:=oItem.Element, Key:=CStr(oItem.Element), Before:=adj
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
'Get the column count of output array
If chain.Count > maxChain Then maxChain = chain.Count
'Populate each row with the relevant chain
ReDim output(1 To UBound(data, 1), 1 To maxChain)
For r = 1 To UBound(data, 1)
Set oItem = uniques(CStr(data(r, 1)))
Set chain = chains(CStr(oItem.AdjIndex))
c = 1
For Each adj In chain
output(r, c) = adj
c = c + 1
'Write the output to sheet.
'Note: adjust range to suit.
Sheet1.Range("M2").Resize(UBound(output, 1), UBound(output, 2)).Value = output
首先创建一个名为 cItem 的类,然后添加代码:
Option Explicit
Public Name As String
Public Frq As Long
Public Adj As Collection
Private mChainIndex As Long
Public Property Get ChainIndex() As Long
ChainIndex = mChainIndex
End Property
Public Property Let ChainIndex(val As Long)
Dim oItem As cItem
If mChainIndex = 0 Then
mChainIndex = val
For Each oItem In Me.Adj
oItem.ChainIndex = val
End If
End Property
Public Sub AddAdj(oAdj As cItem)
Dim t As cItem
On Error Resume Next
Set t = Me.Adj(oAdj.Name)
On Error GoTo 0
If t Is Nothing Then Me.Adj.Add oAdj, oAdj.Name
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set Adj = New Collection
End Sub
现在创建另一个名为 cChain 的类,代码隐藏为:
Option Explicit
Public Index As Long
Public Members As Collection
Public Sub AddItem(oItem As cItem)
Dim oChainItem As cItem
With Me.Members
Select Case .Count
Case 0 'First item so just add it.
.Add oItem, oItem.Name
Case Is < 12 'Fewer than 12 items, so add to end or in order.
Set oChainItem = .item(.Count)
If oItem.Frq <= oChainItem.Frq Then 'It's last in order so just add it.
.Add oItem, oItem.Name
Else 'Find its place in order.
For Each oChainItem In Me.Members
If oItem.Frq > oChainItem.Frq Then
.Add oItem, oItem.Name, before:=oChainItem.Name
Exit For
End If
End If
Case 12 'Full list, so find place and remove last item.
Set oChainItem = .item(12)
If oItem.Frq > oChainItem.Frq Then
For Each oChainItem In Me.Members
If oItem.Frq > oChainItem.Frq Then
.Add oItem, oItem.Name, before:=oChainItem.Name
.Remove 13
Exit For
End If
End If
End Select
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set Members = New Collection
End Sub
Option Explicit
Public Sub ProcessSheet()
Dim data As Variant
Dim items As Collection, chains As Collection
Dim oItem As cItem, oAdj As cItem
Dim oChain As cChain
Dim txt As String
Dim r As Long, c As Long, n As Long
Dim output() As Variant
Dim pTick As Long, pCount As Long, pTot As Long, pTask As String
'Read the data.
pTask = "Reading data..."
Application.StatusBar = pTask
With Sheet1
data = .Range(.Cells(2, "A"), _
.Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)) _
.Resize(, 12) _
End With
'Collect unique and adjacent values.
pTask = "Finding uniques "
pCount = 0: pTot = UBound(data, 1): pTick = 0
Set items = New Collection
For r = 1 To UBound(data, 1)
If ProgressTicked(pTot, pCount, pTick) Then
Application.StatusBar = pTask & pTick & "%"
End If
For c = 1 To UBound(data, 2)
txt = data(r, c)
If Len(txt) = 0 Then Exit For
Set oItem = GetOrCreateItem(items, txt)
oItem.Frq = oItem.Frq + 1
'Take adjacent on left.
If c > 1 Then
txt = data(r, c - 1)
If Len(txt) > 0 Then
Set oAdj = GetOrCreateItem(items, txt)
oItem.AddAdj oAdj
End If
End If
'Take adjacent on right.
If c < UBound(data, 2) Then
txt = data(r, c + 1)
If Len(txt) > 0 Then
Set oAdj = GetOrCreateItem(items, txt)
oItem.AddAdj oAdj
End If
End If
'Now that we have all the items and their frequencies,
'we can find the adjacent chain indexes by a recursive
'call of the ChainIndex set property.
pTask = "Find chain indexes "
pCount = 0: pTot = items.Count: pTick = 0
Set chains = New Collection
n = 1 'Chain index.
For Each oItem In items
If ProgressTicked(pTot, pCount, pTick) Then
Application.StatusBar = pTask & pTick & "%"
End If
If oItem.ChainIndex = 0 Then
oItem.ChainIndex = n
Set oChain = New cChain
oChain.Index = n
chains.Add oChain, CStr(n)
n = n + 1
End If
'Build the chains.
pTask = "Build chains "
pCount = 0: pTot = items.Count: pTick = 0
For Each oItem In items
If ProgressTicked(pTot, pCount, pTick) Then
Application.StatusBar = pTask & pTick & "%"
End If
Set oChain = chains(CStr(oItem.ChainIndex))
oChain.AddItem oItem
'Write the data to our output array.
pTask = "Populate output "
pCount = 0: pTot = UBound(data, 1): pTick = 0
ReDim output(1 To UBound(data, 1), 1 To 12)
For r = 1 To UBound(data, 1)
If ProgressTicked(pTot, pCount, pTick) Then
Application.StatusBar = pTask & pTick & "%"
End If
Set oItem = items(data(r, 1))
Set oChain = chains(CStr(oItem.ChainIndex))
c = 1
For Each oItem In oChain.Members
output(r, c) = oItem.Name
c = c + 1
'Write the output to sheet.
'Note: adjust range to suit.
pTask = "Writing data..."
Application.StatusBar = pTask
Sheet1.Range("M2").Resize(UBound(output, 1), UBound(output, 2)).Value = output
Application.StatusBar = "Ready"
End Sub
Private Function GetOrCreateItem(col As Collection, key As String) As cItem
Dim obj As cItem
'If the item already exists then return it,
'otherwise create a new item.
On Error Resume Next
Set obj = col(key)
On Error GoTo 0
If obj Is Nothing Then
Set obj = New cItem
obj.Name = key
col.Add obj, key
End If
Set GetOrCreateItem = obj
End Function
Public Function ProgressTicked(ByVal t As Long, ByRef c As Long, ByRef p As Long) As Boolean
c = c + 1
If Int((c / t) * 100) > p Then
p = p + 1
ProgressTicked = True
End If
End Function