Dim x1 As Decimal = File.ReadLines("filepath").
SkipWhile(Function(line) Not line.Contains(" 10")).Skip(1).FirstOrDefault()
If x1 >= 0.0 Then TextBox1.Text = x1
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Public Structure Line
Public Start As PointF 'Start coordinates.
Public [End] As PointF 'End coordinates.
Public Sub New(ByVal Start As PointF, ByVal [End] As PointF)
Me.Start = Start
Me.End = [End]
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal x1 As Single, ByVal y1 As Single, ByVal x2 As Single, ByVal y2 As Single)
Me.New(New PointF(x1, y1), New PointF(x2, y2))
End Sub
End Structure
Public Function ParseLines(ByVal File As String) As List(Of Line)
'Create a list of Line structures.
Dim Lines As New List(Of Line)
'Create an array holding four items: the coordinates for 10, 20, 11 and 21.
Dim CoordValues As Single() = New Single(4 - 1) {}
'Declare a variable holding the current index in the array:
'CoordIndex = 0 represents the first X-coordinate (10).
'CoordIndex = 1 represents the first Y-coordinate (20).
'CoordIndex = 2 represents the second X-coordinate (11).
'CoordIndex = 3 represents the second Y-coordinate (21).
Dim CoordIndex As Integer = 0
'Declare a variable indicating whether we are currently inside an AcDbLine/LINE block.
Dim InsideAcDbLine As Boolean = False
Using sReader As New StreamReader(File) 'Open a StreamReader to our file.
While Not sReader.EndOfStream 'Keep reading until we've reached the end of the file.
Dim line As String = sReader.ReadLine() 'Read a line.
'Check if we're inside a AcDbLine/LINE block and that we aren't at the end of the file.
If InsideAcDbLine = True AndAlso Not sReader.EndOfStream Then
'Determine if the current line contains 10, 20, 11 or 21.
'Depending on what "line.Trim()" returns it will execute the code of the respective "Case".
'Ex: If "line.Trim()" returns "20" it will execute the code of 'Case "20"', which is 'CoordIndex = 1'.
Select Case line.Trim() 'Trim() removes leading or trailing space characters from the string (i.e. " 10" -> "10").
Case "10" : CoordIndex = 0 'We've reached "10", the following line is coordinate x1.
Case "20" : CoordIndex = 1 'We've reached "20", the following line is coordinate y1.
Case "11" : CoordIndex = 2 '[...] x2.
Case "21" : CoordIndex = 3 '[...] y2.
Case Else : Continue While
' "Continue While" stops execution at this point and
' goes back to the beginning of the loop to: "Dim line As String = ...".
' - If "line.Trim()" DOES NOT return 10, 20, 11 or 21 then we
' just want to skip the rest of the code (in other words: ignore the current line).
End Select
'I used colons above for better readability as they can be used to replace line breaks.
'For example the above SHOULD ACTUALLY be:
'Select Case line.Trim()
' Case "10"
' CoordIndex = 0
' Case "11"
' (and so on)
Dim nextLine As String = sReader.ReadLine() 'Read the next line.
Dim Coordinate As Single 'Declare a variable for the current coordinate.
'Try parsing the line into a single using
'invariant culture settings (decimal points must be dots: '.').
If Single.TryParse(nextLine.Trim(), NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, Coordinate) = True Then
CoordValues(CoordIndex) = Coordinate 'Add the coordinate to the array.
If CoordIndex = CoordValues.Length - 1 Then 'Have we reached the end of the array?
InsideAcDbLine = False 'We've found all values we want. Do not look for any more in this block.
Lines.Add(New Line(CoordValues(0), CoordValues(1), CoordValues(2), CoordValues(3))) 'Create a new Line and set its coordinates to the values of 10, 20, 11 and 21.
Array.Clear(CoordValues, 0, CoordValues.Length) 'Set all the items in the array to zero.
End If
End If
End If
'Check if we've reached an "AcDbLine" or "LINE" marker.
'Used in order to determine whether we are inside a AcDbLine/LINE block.
'If we aren't, then we shouldn't look for any coordinates.
Select Case line.Trim()
Case "AcDbLine" : InsideAcDbLine = True 'Start of an AcDbLine/LINE block.
Case "LINE" : InsideAcDbLine = False 'End of an AcDbLine/LINE block.
End Select
End While
End Using
Return Lines 'Return our list of lines.
End Function
Dim Lines As List(Of Line) = ParseLines("filepath")
'Iterate through every parsed line.
For Each Line As Line In Lines
'Print all parsed lines to console in the format of:
'Line start: {X=x1, Y=y1}
'Line end: {X=x2, Y=y2}
Console.WriteLine("Line start: " & Line.Start.ToString())
Console.WriteLine("Line end: " & Line.End.ToString())
Dim StartX As Single = Line.Start.X
Dim StartY As Single = Line.Start.Y
Dim EndX As Single = Line.End.X
Dim EndY As Single = Line.End.Y
Dim Line As Line = Lines(0) '0 is the first found line, 1 is the second (and so on).