我必须使用Data Report更改用Vb6编写的非常旧的应用程序。 实际上只显示一个名为txtdata的字段的查询记录。
Dim rs As Adodb.Recordset
Dim sql As String
Dim regtratt As
' I have a Data Report with textbox named txtdata in Section1
sql = ""
sql = sql + "SELECT txtdata "
sql = sql + "FROM journal "
sql = sql + "WHERE cod=421 "
sql = sql + "ORDER BY id "
Set rs = xOpenRecordset(sql, cnOnline)
If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
Set regtratt.DataSource = rs
regtratt.DataMember = ""
' I want to change the font according to the text but I don't know how to because DataSource=rs takes the records.
'If InStr("#", regtratt.Sections("Section1").Controls(1).Item.Value) Then
' regtratt.Sections("Section1").Controls(1).Font.size = 20
' regtratt.Sections("Section1").Controls(1).Font.Bold = True
'End If
regtratt.Orientation = rptOrientLandscape
regtratt.WindowState = vbMaximized
regtratt.Font.Name = "courier new"
regtratt.Show vbModal
Unload regtratt
MsgBox ("Sorry No data")
End If