Intent avatar = getIntent();
int imageId = avatar.getIntExtra("imageId", -0);
// -0 would be a default value
// -1 will crash with a missing resource
if (getIntent().getExtras() != null) {
} else {
proc distance {n1 n2 nd1 nd2} {
set x1 [expr int([$n1 set X_])]
set y1 [expr int([$n1 set Y_])]
set x2 [expr int([$n2 set X_])]
set y2 [expr int([$n2 set Y_])]
set d [expr hypot($x2-$x1,$y2-$y1)]
return [list $nd1 $nd2 $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 $d]
proc processDistances {count threshold {filter ""}} {
global node_
set distances {}
for {set i 1} {$i < $count} {incr i} {
for {set j 1} {$j < $count} {incr j} {
# Skip self comparisons
if {$i == $j} continue
# Apply target filter
if {$filter ne "" && $j != $filter} continue
# Get the distance information
set thisDistance [distance $node_($i) $node_($j) $i $j]
# Check that the nodes are close enough
if {[lindex $thisDistance 6] < $threshold} {
lappend distances $thisDistance
# Sort the pairs, by distances
set distances [lsort -real -increasing -index 6 $distances]
Inverse2 {*}$distances
$ns at 8.5 [list processDistances $val(nn) 200 41]
proc Inverse2 {m} {
set result [open R.tr w]
lassign [lindex $m 0 2] x1
lassign [lindex $m 0 3] y1
lassign [lindex $m 0 4] d1
lassign [lindex $m 1 2] x2
lassign [lindex $m 1 3] y2
lassign [lindex $m 1 4] d2
lassign [lindex $m 2 2] x3
lassign [lindex $m 2 3] y3
lassign [lindex $m 2 4] d3
set mt {{? ?} {? ?}}
lset mt 0 0 [expr 2*($x1-$x2)]
lset mt 0 1 [expr 2*($y1-$y2)]
lset mt 1 0 [expr 2*($x1-$x3)]
lset mt 1 1 [expr 2*($y1-$y3)]
set const {{?} {?}}
lset const 0 [expr {(pow($x1,2)+pow($y1,2)-pow($d1,2))-(pow($x2,2)+pow($y2,2)-pow($d2,2))}]
lset const 1 [expr {(pow($x1,2)+pow($y1,2)-pow($d1,2))-(pow($x3,2)+pow($y3,2)-pow($d3,2))}]
set x [expr {double([lindex [Inverse3 $mt] 0 0] * [lindex $const 0]
+ [lindex [Inverse3 $mt] 0 1] * [lindex $const 1])}]
set y [expr {double([lindex [Inverse3 $mt] 1 0] * [lindex $const 0]
+ [lindex [Inverse3 $mt] 1 1] * [lindex $const 1])}]
puts $result "x location of object is: $x \ny location of object is: $y"
我成功获得ns: processDistances 42 200 41: wrong # args: should be "Inverse2 m"
while executing
"Inverse2 {*} $distances"
(procedure "processDistances" line 32)
invoked from within
"processDistances 42 200 41"
的输出,这是一个排序列表,但是当我使用proc processDistances
中写的命令procedure Inverse2
将此输出传递给Inverse2 {*}$distances
时(我有tcl8) .5)。我犯了错误。我在哪里出错了。请帮助我。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
proc distance {n1 n2 nd1 nd2} {
set x1 [expr int([$n1 set X_])]
set y1 [expr int([$n1 set Y_])]
set x2 [expr int([$n2 set X_])]
set y2 [expr int([$n2 set Y_])]
set d [expr hypot($x2-$x1,$y2-$y1)]
return [list $nd1 $nd2 $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 $d]
proc processDistances {count threshold {filter ""}} {
global node_
set distances {}
for {set i 1} {$i < $count} {incr i} {
for {set j 1} {$j < $count} {incr j} {
# Skip self comparisons
if {$i == $j} continue
# Apply target filter
if {$filter ne "" && $j != $filter} continue
# Get the distance information
set thisDistance [distance $node_($i) $node_($j) $i $j]
# Check that the nodes are close enough
if {[lindex $thisDistance 6] < $threshold} {
lappend distances $thisDistance
# Sort the pairs, by distances
set distances [lsort -real -increasing -index 6 $distances]
#Inverse2 {*}$distances
Inverse2 $distances
$ns at 8.5 [list processDistances $val(nn) 200 41]
proc Inverse2 {m} {
set result [open R.tr w]
lassign [lindex $m 0 2] x1
lassign [lindex $m 0 3] y1
lassign [lindex $m 0 4] d1
lassign [lindex $m 1 2] x2
lassign [lindex $m 1 3] y2
lassign [lindex $m 1 4] d2
lassign [lindex $m 2 2] x3
lassign [lindex $m 2 3] y3
lassign [lindex $m 2 4] d3
set mt {{? ?} {? ?}}
lset mt 0 0 [expr 2*($x1-$x2)]
lset mt 0 1 [expr 2*($y1-$y2)]
lset mt 1 0 [expr 2*($x1-$x3)]
lset mt 1 1 [expr 2*($y1-$y3)]
set const {{?} {?}}
lset const 0 [expr {(pow($x1,2)+pow($y1,2)-pow($d1,2))-(pow($x2,2)+pow($y2,2)-pow($d2,2))}]
lset const 1 [expr {(pow($x1,2)+pow($y1,2)-pow($d1,2))-(pow($x3,2)+pow($y3,2)-pow($d3,2))}]
set x [expr {double([lindex [Inverse3 $mt] 0 0] * [lindex $const 0]
+ [lindex [Inverse3 $mt] 0 1] * [lindex $const 1])}]
set y [expr {double([lindex [Inverse3 $mt] 1 0] * [lindex $const 0]
+ [lindex [Inverse3 $mt] 1 1] * [lindex $const 1])}]
puts $result "x location of object is: $x \ny location of object is: $y"