组织模式 - ipython代码块不起作用

时间:2017-07-07 16:46:21

标签: org-mode


  1. 安装ob-ipython模块。
  2. 添加以下配置以启用ob-ipython。

    (org-babel-do-load-languages'org-babel-load-languages  “(    (ipython.t)    ))

  3. 在组织文件中编写示例代码块。

  4. #+BEGIN_SRC ipython :session :results output drawer print "hello" #+END_SRC

    1. 按C-c C-c运行此代码块,但收到如下警告:
    2. Warning (python): Python shell prompts cannot be detected. If your emacs session hangs when starting python shells recover with ‘keyboard-quit’ and then try fixing the interactive flag for your interpreter by adjusting the ‘python-shell-interpreter-interactive-arg’ or add regexps matching shell prompts in the directory-local friendly vars: + ‘python-shell-prompt-regexp’ + ‘python-shell-prompt-block-regexp’ + ‘python-shell-prompt-output-regexp’ Or alternatively in: + ‘python-shell-prompt-input-regexps’ + ‘python-shell-prompt-output-regexps’ 我的步骤有什么问题?

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