
时间:2017-07-07 11:41:01

标签: assembly x86 nasm



SECTION     .bss
buff        resb        1
SECTION     .data
SECTION     .text
global      _start
        MOV     EAX, 3              ; Read syscall
        MOV     EBX, 0              ; Standard input  
        MOV     ECX, buff           ; Specify the buffer for stdin
        MOV     EDX, 1              ; 1 char at a time
        INT     0x80                ; Interrupt for the syscal
        CMP     EAX, 0              ; Look at the return of read syscall, if 
                                    ; unsuccessfull, exit
        JE      exit                ; If the input was 0, jump to exit
        CMP     byte [buff], 0x61   ; Test for lowercase, lowercase are above
                                    ; 0x61 - 'a'
        JB      write               ; Jump if below 'a' ASCII 0x61
        CMP     byte [buff], 0x7A   ; Test for above 'z'- ASCII 0x7A
        JA      write               ; Jump to write if input above 'z' 
        SUB     byte [buff], 0x20   ; A lowercase input finally, convert it to
                                    ;uppercase by subtracting 0x20h
        MOV     EAX, 4          ; Write syscall
        MOV     EBX, 1          ; Write on stdout
        MOV     ECX, buff       ; take from this buffer
        MOV     EDX, 1          ; 1 charcter at a time
        INT     0x80            ; Interrupt for the syscall
        JMP     read            ; Jump for reading again
        MOV     EAX, 1          ; Exit syscall
        MOV     EBX, 0          ; Errorcode in EBX
        INT     0x80            ; Interrupt for exit syscall

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