所有答案将不胜感激。 马丁
Option Explicit
Sub Procedure()
'[all declarations and definitions of fixed arrays]
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
folder_name = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
output_name = folder_name & "\Master_output"
Set Output_File = Application.Workbooks.Add(1)
Set Output_File = ActiveWorkbook
Set Output_Sheet = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet
input_fileName = Dir(folder_name & "TVP ENGINE 5.1" & "*.xlsm")
While input_fileName <> ""
'Weeding out the wrong files
If input_fileName Like "TVP ENGINE 5.1*" Then
k_char_1 = InStr(1, input_fileName, "_", 1)
k_char_2 = InStr(k_char_1 + 1, input_fileName, "_", 1)
output_string_1 = Mid(input_fileName, k_char_1 + 1, 4)
output_string_2 = Mid(input_fileName, k_char_2, Len(input_fileName) - k_char_2 - 4)
j_lob = 0
Set Input_File = Workbooks.Open(folder_name & input_fileName)
Set Input_Sheet = Input_File.Worksheets("EMBEDDED_VALUE")
While j_lob < UBound(LOB) + 1
With Input_Sheet.Range("B:B")
Set seeker = .Find(LOB(j_lob), LookIn:=xlValues) 'Looks for titles of spreadsheets on a single Excel sheet
i_input = seeker.Row
End With
'Instead of going through the entire Excel sheet, it finds specific spreadsheets on a single Excel sheet and looks
'for specific labels in those spreadsheets to copy; labels are stored in array >lob_term<
Select Case seeker
Case "TERM"
j_input = 0
output_string = output_string_1 & "_" & LOB(j_lob) & "_" & lob_term(j_input) & output_string_2
Output_Sheet.Range("A" & i_output).Value = output_string 'Name for each row
'*** Main Operation: copying ranges from one workbook to another***
Input_Sheet.Range("D" & i_input + 2 & ":AT" & i_input + 2).Copy
Output_Sheet.Range("B" & i_output & ":AQ" & i_output).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll
j_input = j_input + 1 'index for the lob_term array
i_input = i_input + 1 'index for location on Input_Sheet
i_output = i_output + 1 'index for location on Output_Sheet
Loop Until j_input >= UBound(lob_term) + 1 'lob_term is a fixed value/fixed length array
j_lob = j_lob + 1 'index for array of names of spreadsheets
Case others
'...[identical procedure for different cases]...
End Select
'Close the current input file, define another
Workbooks(input_fileName).Close SaveChanges:=False
input_fileName = Dir()
input_fileName = Dir()
End If
'[setting color theme, freezing panes, etc.]
Output_Fajl.Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Output_File.SaveAs input_fileName:=output_name, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub