
时间:2017-07-06 17:42:35

标签: c# asp.net-mvc

我很难理解为什么我的应用程序的行为方式如此。这是.Net Core中的MVC。我在两个不同的领域有非常相似的代码。一个区域基于给定用户返回结果,而另一个区域基于搜索字符串返回结果。第一部分是基于用户的结果,并按我的意愿工作。

    private IQueryable<Film> GetUserFilms(ApplicationUser user)
        // Returns all Films of the user that the current User is authorized to see.  Audio, Media, and User of the film is included.
        return _context.Films
            .Include(f => f.Audio)
            .Include(f => f.Media)
            .Include(f => f.User)
            .Where(f => (f.UserID == user.Id) && (!f.IsPrivate || User.IsInRole("Admin") || f.UserID == _userManager.GetUserId(User)));

    private List<Film> GetUserFilmsByGenre(ApplicationUser user, string genre = null)
        // Returns all Films of the user for a specific genre, displaying only those that the current User is authorized to see 
        return GetUserFilms(user).Include(f => f.FilmGenres).Where(f => f.FilmGenres.Any(fg => fg.Genre.Name == genre)).ToList();

    private List<Film> GetUserFilmsByMediaFormat(ApplicationUser user, string mediaFormat = null)
        // Returns all Films of the user for a specific MediaFormat, displaying only those that the current User is authorized to see 

        return GetUserFilms(user).Where(f => f.Media.Name == mediaFormat).ToList();


    private IQueryable<Film> GetFilmsByTitle(string title)
        // Returns all Films, containing search parameter, that the current User is authorized to see.  
        // Audio, Media, FilmGenre.Genre and User of the film are included.
        return _context.Films
            .Include(f => f.Audio)
            .Include(f => f.Media)
            .Include(f => f.User)
            .Where(f => f.Name.ToLower().Contains(title.ToLower())
            && ((!f.IsPrivate && !f.User.IsPrivate) || User.IsInRole("Admin") || f.UserID == _userManager.GetUserId(User)));

    private List<Film> GetAllFilmsByGenre(string title, string genre = null)
        // Returns all Films, containing the search parameter, for a specific genre, 
        // displaying only those that the current User is authorized to see 
        return GetFilmsByTitle(title).Where(f => f.FilmGenres.Any(fg => fg.Genre.Name == genre)).ToList();

    private List<Film> GetAllFilmsByMediaFormat(string title, string mediaFormat = null)
        // Returns all Films, containing the search parameter, for a specific MediaFormat, 
        // displaying only those that the current User is authorized to see 
        return GetFilmsByTitle(title).Where(f=> f.Media.Name == mediaFormat).ToList();



现在,我已经改变了以下内容,将IQueryable更改为List,并将一个Include for FilmGenre和一个ThenInclude for Genre放入我的GetFilmsByTitle方法中。这按预期执行,类似于其他代码在其他部分中的工作方式。



    private List<Film> GetFilmsByTitle(string title)
        // Returns all Films, containing search parameter, that the current User is authorized to see.  
        // Audio, Media, FilmGenre.Genre and User of the film are included.
        IQueryable<Film> films = _context.Films
            .Include(f => f.Audio)
            .Include(f => f.Media)
            .Include(f => f.User)
            .Include(f=> f.FilmGenres)
            .Where(f => f.Name.ToLower().Contains(title.ToLower())
            && ((!f.IsPrivate && !f.User.IsPrivate) || User.IsInRole("Admin") || f.UserID == _userManager.GetUserId(User)));
        return films.ToList();

    private List<Film> GetAllFilmsByGenre(string title, string genre = null)
        // Returns all Films, containing the search parameter, for a specific genre, 
        // displaying only those that the current User is authorized to see 
        return GetFilmsByTitle(title).Where(f => f.FilmGenres.Any(fg => fg.Genre.Name == genre)).ToList();

    private List<Film> GetAllFilmsByMediaFormat(string title, string mediaFormat = null)
        // Returns all Films, containing the search parameter, for a specific MediaFormat, 
        // displaying only those that the current User is authorized to see 
        return GetFilmsByTitle(title).Where(f=> f.Media.Name == mediaFormat).ToList();

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