Android - 从POST请求中读取JSON

时间:2017-07-06 15:28:59

标签: android json post

我需要抓住Android中SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @RunCommand TABLE(RunCommand nvarchar(max)) DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(max), @SQL2 nvarchar(max), @FullSql nvarchar(max) SET @SQL=' ---create dummy tables for ''Employee'', and ''Attendence'' declare @tblEmployee table( EmployeeID int, EmployeeCode varchar(10), EmployeeName varchar(255) ) declare @tblAttendence table( AttendenceID int identity(1, 1), EmployeeID int, AttendenceDate date, AttendenceDay int, Absence int ) -----insert dummy records in both tables declare @EmployeeID int = 1 declare @EmployeeCode varchar(10) declare @EmployeeName varchar(255) declare @CountEmployee int = 1 declare @CountDays int = 1 declare @UserYear int = 2017 declare @UserMonth int = 5 declare @DateFirst date = ''1 july 2017'' declare @DateLast date = ''31 july 2017'' declare @DateCurrent date = @DateFirst while @CountEmployee <= 5 begin set @EmployeeID = @CountEmployee set @EmployeeCode = (''E00'' + CAST(@CountEmployee as varchar(10))) set @EmployeeName = (''Emp_Name_'' + CAST(@CountEmployee as varchar(10))) insert into @tblEmployee( EmployeeCode , EmployeeID , EmployeeName ) select @EmployeeCode as EmployeeCode , @EmployeeID as EmployeeID , @EmployeeName as EmployeeName; set @DateCurrent = @DateFirst set @CountDays = 1 while @DateCurrent <= @DateLast begin insert into @tblAttendence( EmployeeID , AttendenceDate , AttendenceDay, Absence ) select @EmployeeID as EmployeeID , @DateCurrent as AttendenceDate , day(@DateCurrent) as AttendenceDay, CAST(ROUND(RAND(),0) AS BIT) as Absence set @DateCurrent = DATEADD(day, @CountDays, @DateFirst) set @CountDays = @CountDays + 1 end set @CountEmployee = @CountEmployee + 1 end ' SET @SQL2=' ;With cte AS ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER()OVER(Order by (SELECT 1)) AS Rno FROM master..spt_values ) ,Ct2 AS ( SELECT Rno FROM cte WHERE Rno <=31 ) SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(''SELECT e.*,'', STUFF((SELECT '', ''+'' t''+CAST(Rno AS VARCHAR(10))+''.Absence AS [Day''+CAST(Rno AS VARCHAR(10))+'']'' FROM Ct2 i FOR XML PATH ('''')),1,1,''''),'' FROM @tblEmployee e'', STUFF((SELECT '' ''+'' LEFT OUTER JOIN @tblAttendence t''+CAST(Rno AS VARCHAR(10))+'' ON t''+CAST(Rno AS VARCHAR(10))+''.EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID AND t''+CAST(Rno AS VARCHAR(10))+''.AttendenceDay =''+CAST(Rno AS VARCHAR(10)) FROM Ct2 i FOR XML PATH ('''')),1,1,'''')) FROM Ct2 o ' INSERT INTO @RunCommand EXEC( @SQl2) SELECT @SQL2=RunCommand FROM @RunCommand SET @FullSql=@SQL+@SQL2 PRINT @FullSql EXEC(@FullSql) SET NOCOUNT OFF 请求的JSON响应。



如果ResponseCode为200(一切正常),服务器会向我发送一个包含我需要的数据的字符串。没问题,我发布的代码处理它没有问题。 200响应:

String data = null;
    try {
        data = URLEncoder.encode("Field1", "UTF-8") 
                + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(field1, "UTF-8");
        data += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("Field2", "UTF-8") + "="
                   + URLEncoder.encode(field2, "UTF-8"); 
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

       String text = "";
       BufferedReader reader=null;

       // Send data 

              // Defined URL  where to send data
              URL url = new URL(Constants.URL_EMAIL_LOGIN);

           // Send POST data request

            HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection(); 
            OutputStreamWriter wr = new OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream()); 
            int number = conn.getResponseCode();

            // Get the server response

          reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));
          StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
          String line = null;

          // Read Server Response
          while((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
                     // Append server response in string
                     sb.append(line + "\n");

              text = sb.toString();
          catch(Exception ex)



              catch(Exception ex) {}

但我也需要抓住错误。在这种情况下,服务器返回"{\r\n \"user\": \"AAAA\",\r\n \"token\": \" \",\r\n \"email\": \"\" \r\n}" 。这是错误的响应(我使用Firefox的Poster扩展):



{"Message":"Field1 is not correct."}


reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(conn.getInputStream()));

有谁知道如何从服务器读取 [url]

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



当响应状态不是conn.getErrorStream()时,使用200获取输入流 检查一下:

BufferedInputStream inputStream = null;

int status = conn.getResponseCode();

if (status != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
    inputStream = conn.getErrorStream();
} else {
    inputStream = conn.getInputStream();


reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));