
时间:2017-07-05 21:05:36

标签: logic verilog sequential

Verilog计划的指示: 此作业的目的是让您学习编程一个Verilog模块,该模块在输入时以正确的顺序识别您的全名的前五个字母,并通过显示“匹配”(为一个)来指示。否则,它将显示匹配为零。




Bit Sequence Recognizer


RippleMod Ripple6(clk, ascii[6], Q[6]);

nor(submatch[6], Q[6][2], Q[6][1], Q[6][0]);
not(invQ12, Q[1][2]);
and(submatch[1], invQ12, Q[1][1], Q[1][0]);

and(match, submatch[6], ... submatch[0]);


module TestMod;
  parameter STDIN = 32'h8000_0000; // keyboard-input file-handle address

  reg clk;
  reg [6:0] str [1:6];  // to what's to be entered
  wire match;           // to be set 1 when matched
  reg [6:0] ascii;      // each input letter is an ASCII bitmap

  RecognizerMod my_recognizer(clk, ascii, match);

  initial begin
    $display("Enter the first 5 digits of your name: ");
    str[1] = $fgetc(STDIN);  // 1st letter
    str[2] = $fgetc(STDIN);  // 2nd letter
    str[3] = $fgetc(STDIN);  // 3rd letter
    str[4] = $fgetc(STDIN);  // 4th letter
str[5] = $fgetc(STDIN);  // 5th letter
str[6] = $fgetc(STDIN);  // ENTER key

    $display("Time clk    ascii       match");
    $monitor("%4d   %b    %c %b   %b", $time, clk, ascii, ascii, match);

    clk = 0;

    ascii = str[1];
    #1 clk = 1; #1 clk = 0;

    ascii = str[2];
    #1 clk = 1; #1 clk = 0;

    ascii = str[3];
    #1 clk = 1; #1 clk = 0;

ascii = str[4];
    #1 clk = 1; #1 clk = 0;

ascii = str[5];
    #1 clk = 1; #1 clk = 0;

module RecognizerMod(clk, ascii, match);
  input clk;
  input [6:0] ascii;
  output match;

  wire [0:2] Q [6:0];   // 3-input sequence, 7 bits each
  wire [6:0] submatch;  // all bits matched (7 3-bit sequences)

  wire invQ12, invQ01;

  //         654 3210   Q
  //     hex binary
  // '1' 31  011 0001 < q2
  // '2' 32  011 0010 < q1
  // '3' 33  011 0011 < q0

  RippleMod Ripple6(clk, ascii[6], Q[6]);

  nor(submatch[6], Q[6][2], Q[6][1], Q[6][0]);
  not(invQ12, Q[1][2]);
  and(submatch[1], invQ12, Q[1][1], Q[1][0]);

  and(match, submatch[6], ... submatch[0]);

//always @(clk) $display("is %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b %b",
//   match, submatch, Q[6], Q[5], Q[4], Q[3], Q[2], Q[1], Q[0]);


module RippleMod(clk, ascii_bit, q);
  input clk, ascii_bit;
  output [0:2] q;

  reg [0:2] q;          // flipflops

  always @(posedge clk) begin
     q[0] <= ascii_bit;
     q[1] <= q[0];
     q[2] <= q[1];

  initial q = 3'bxxx;

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