从Python dict到JSON的多个相同的键

时间:2017-07-05 10:55:42

标签: python json dictionary

我正在尝试在Python中创建JSON对象,尽管事实上我无法获得具有相同名称的多个键,但它仍能正常工作 - 但我需要这样做。 这是一个功能:

     findings = AutoTree()
                findings['report']['numberOfConditions'] = num_cond            
                if r == 'Mammography':
                    f_temp = df['Relevant findings'].values.tolist()[0:8]
                    f_list = [x for i, x in enumerate(f_temp) if i == f_temp.index(x)]
                    f_num_total = len(f_list)
                    f_rand = random.randrange(1, f_num_total + 1)
                    iter_params_mass = ['shape', 'margin', 'density']
                    for i in range(num_cond):
                        br = get_birad(row, 2, 7)
                        cond = camelCase(get_cond_name())
                        findings[cond]['biRad'] = br
                        for k in range(f_rand + 1):
                            f = camelCase(random.choice(f_list))
                            #f = 'mass'
                            if f == 'mass':
                                rep_temp = create_rep(iter_params_mass, row, f, r)
                                findings[cond][f] = rep_temp 
   """I also have a lot elif conditions, and it just grabs parameters."""
                     report = json.dumps(findings)


            "suspiciousMorphology":"Coarse heterogeneous",
            "lymphNodes":"Lymph nodes \u2013 axillary"

我想要多个" lympNodes"和"钙化"对象。可能吗?也许,您可以建议另一种方法来创建JSON对象,而不是嵌套字典?问题是我需要分别为从数据库中选择的随机参数创建对象。

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