我正在尝试使用AWS cfncluster制作HPC。 如果我为计算节点制作ondemand fleet,它工作正常。 但是当我尝试使用现货船队时,它返回了一个错误。
aws_region_name = us-east-2
[cluster default]
vpc_settings = public
key_name = *********
compute_instance_type = c4.8xlarge
master_instance_type = m4.xlarge
initial_queue_size = 2
max_queue_size = 10
maintain_initial_size = false
cluster_type = spot
spot_price = 1.60
master_root_volume_size = 20
base_os = centos7
ebs_settings = custom
[vpc public]
master_subnet_id = subnet-*******
vpc_id = vpc-*********
[ebs custom]
volume_type = io1
volume_iops = 2000
volume_size = 2000
encrypted = true
update_check = true
sanity_check = true
cluster_template = default
23:54:01 UTC+0900 DELETE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::EC2::EIPAssociation AssociateEIP
23:53:56 UTC+0900 ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS AWS::CloudFormation::Stack cfncluster-test3 The following resource(s) failed to create: [ComputeFleet]. . Rollback requested by user.
23:53:55 UTC+0900 CREATE_FAILED AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup ComputeFleet Received 0 SUCCESS signal(s) out of 2. Unable to satisfy 100% MinSuccessfulInstancesPercent requirement
23:53:54 UTC+0900 UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup ComputeFleet Failed to receive 2 resource signal(s) for the current batch. Each resource signal timeout is counted as a FAILURE.
23:23:53 UTC+0900 CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup ComputeFleet Resource creation Initiated