How to create 'My Account Form' in Admin on Rest

时间:2017-07-04 20:01:43

标签: reactjs redux redux-form admin-on-rest

I'm using Admin on Rest 1.2 and I want to create a custom 'My Account Page' for the dashboard. So I created a custom route for that and I prepared a custom query to API which works perfectly. But when I want to get the values from this.state to Edit Component I've got error Cannot read property '_currentElement' of null. How should I pass custom props to Edit component? My custom page looks like that:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import AvatarUpload  from './AvatarUploadComponent';
// import FlatButton from 'material-ui/FlatButton';
import { showNotification as showNotificationAction } from 'admin-on-rest';
import { push as pushAction } from 'react-router-redux';
import {TextField, RaisedButton} from 'material-ui';
import { GET_ONE, UPDATE, SimpleForm, DisabledInput, LongTextInput, Edit } from 'admin-on-rest';
import restClient from '../RestClient';

const initialState = {
  user: {
    first_name: "",
    last_name: "",
    current_password: "",
    new_password: "",
    confirm_password: "",
    avatar_url: ""

export const MyAccountEdit = (props) => (
  <Edit title="My account" {...props}>
      <DisabledInput source="first_name" />
      <LongTextInput source="last_name" />
      <LongTextInput source="first_name" />

class MyAccountForm extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = initialState;

    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
    this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
    this.componentWillMount = this.componentWillMount.bind(this);

  componentWillMount = () => {
    const { showNotification } = this.props;
    restClient(GET_ONE, 'users', { id: 2 })
      .then((req) => {
        showNotification('Account has been getted');
        // push('/myaccount');
      .catch((e) => {
        showNotification('Error: Account hasn\'t been getted', 'warning');

  handleChange = (event, newValue) => {
    event.persist(); // allow native event access (see:
    // give react a function to set the state asynchronously.
    // here it's using the "name" value set on the TextField
    // to set state.person.[firstname|lastname].
    this.setState((state) => state.user[] = newValue);

  handleClick = () => {
    const { push, record, showNotification } = this.props;
    // const updatedRecord = { ...record, is_approved: true };
    restClient(UPDATE, 'users', { id: 2, data: this.state })
      .then(() => {
        showNotification('Account has been updated');
      .catch((e) => {
        showNotification('Error: Account hasn\'t been updated', 'warning');

  render() {
    return (<div>
      <p>My Account</p>
      <img src={this.state.user.avatar_url} />
      <p>first name: {this.state.user.first_name}</p>
      //below is the problem
      <MyAccountEdit {...this.state.user}/>

MyAccountForm.propTypes = {
  push: PropTypes.func,
  record: PropTypes.object,
  showNotification: PropTypes.func,

export default connect(null, {
  showNotification: showNotificationAction,
  push: pushAction,

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