enum LoadingStateMachine<T: Equatable>: Equatable {
/// The machine is awaiting instructions
case initial
/// The content is loading
case loading
/// the content has loaded
case loaded(items: [T])
/// There was an error loading the content
case error(error: NSError)
func ==<T: Equatable>(lhs: LoadingStateMachine<T>, rhs: LoadingStateMachine<T>) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.initial, .initial), (.loading, .loading):
return true
case (let .error(error1), let .error(error2)):
return error1 == error2
case (let .loaded(items1), let .loaded(items2)):
return items1 == items2
return false
let loadingState = LoadingStateMachine<Int>.loaded(items: [])
if case .loaded(let items) = loadingState {
是否可以内联执行此操作? e.g。
let check = case .loaded(let items) = loadingState