有些字符串在" HS"之前没有任何内容,因此不应为这些字符串运行代码。我正在处理的工作表有数千行。我不确定该怎么做......
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以下是一些可以实现您想要的注释代码。请注意,您可能会发现this answer对查找最后一行很有用。
Sub CopyBeforeHS()
Dim r As Long, HSindex As Long
' There are many ways to find the last row, or just replace 100 manually here
' You must start at row 2, as r-1 is used in the loop
For r = 2 To 100
' Your sheet name here...
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
' Get location of "HS" in each cell in column A
HSindex = InStr(.Range("A" & r).Value, "HS")
' If HS was found AND it wasn't the first characters
If HSindex > 1 Then
' Copy cell text from before "HS" to previous row, column N
.Range("N" & r - 1).Value = Left(.Range("A" & r).Value, HSindex - 1)
' Remove the same text from column A
.Range("A" & r).Value = Mid(.Range("A" & r).Value, HSindex)
End If
End With
Next r
End Sub